COURSE OBJECTIVE This course provides an introduction to designing, maintaining and programming a web site. Students will learn how to design web pages using HTML and CSS, and how to create dynamic web pages using Perl and JavaScript. PREREQUISITES This is an introductory class and there are no prerequisites. However, prior experience with the Mac/Unix computing environment and any programming experience will be helpful. The Maclab at Regenstein will organize tutorials for those unfamiliar with the Unix environment. (Online tutorials are available as well.) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # COURSE REQUIREMENTS To successfully complete the course, students will have to complete six homework assignments, a written midterm exam, and a final project. The homework assignments will be posted during the first week of the course, including their hand-in date. The midterm will consist of question drawn from the assigned readings and problems relating to previous homework assignments. It will be a 45 minute exam. The Final Project will be posted by the time of the midterm. GRADE ASSESSMENT: Homework Assignments: 30% Midterm: 30% Final Project: 40% ATTENDANCE: Class attendance is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory. However, students are responsible to ascertain and know all material covered in class (even if it does not appear in the reading material or class notes) as well as any annouce- ments made. # ------------------------------------------------------------- # TEXTBOOKS Wendy Lehnert The Web Wizard's Guide to HTML (Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education: 2002) ISBN: 0-201-74172-5 Steven Estrella The Web Wizard's Guide to DHMTL and CSS (Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education: 2002) ISBN: 0-201-775834-2 Andrew Johnson Elements of Programming with Perl (Manning:2000) ISBN:1-884777-80-5 # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional books: The following books have been used in the past, and you may find them useful. Steven Estrella The Web Wizard's Guide to Javascript (Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education: 2002) James Lengel The Web Wizard's Guide to Web Design (Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education: 2002) David Lash The Web Wizard's Guide to Perl and CGI (Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education: 2002) Advanced Books: If you want to look seriously into web design and related technologies, we suggest the following reference books: Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, Fifth Edition (O'Reilly & Associates: 2002) Hakon Wium Lie and Bert Bos Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley: 1999) Perl CD Bookshelf, Version 4 (six books on CD) (O'Reilly & Associates: 2004) (earlier versions of this book are avaliable online) David Flanagan JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly & Associates: 2001) Danny Goodman Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference (2nd Edition) (O'Reilly & Associates: 2002) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # IMPORTANT # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ACADEMIC HONESTY Students must complete all assignments using no more than a simple text editor. HTML editors, including word processors saving files as HTML, or any markup or code generators may NOT be used. An infringment on this rule will result in no credit for the entire assignment. Furthermore, students are encouraged to discuss the assignments and projects with their classmates, but any work handed in for grading must have been written entirely by the person submitting it. Copying the work of others in part or completely will con- stitute an instance of cheating and will result in a failed grade for the course and a permanent entry in the student's records.