Timely Announcements
Online Discussion using PHPBB
- [3 Apr 2005] I just set up the online discussion. Please check
it out, register, and post an introduction as a reply to my welcome
message. Please do it before Thursday 7 April. [O'D]
- [28 Mar 2005] I am in the process of editing the spring 2002
materials for the spring 2005 class. Some pages are inaccessible,
others obsolete. [O'D]
- Venue: TTh 11:30 PM, Ryerson 277.
- Instructor:
Michael J. O'Donnell
- Office: Ryerson 257A.
- email:
- Office hours: by appointment. Contact me by email, phone at
the office (773-702-1269), or phone at home (847-835-1837
between 9:30 and 5:30 on days that I work at home). You may drop
in to the office any time, but you may find me out or busy if
you haven't confirmed an appointment. Check my
personal calendar before proposing an appointment.
- Teaching Assistant: None
I've updated this far for spring 2005. Subsequent sections
come from spring 2002.
Last modified: Tue Apr 5 12:58:13 CDT 2005