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You will implement the sorting algorithm Quicksort. The algorithm works
in two steps. First it splits the list which is to be sorted into two lists
and sorts these two lists recursively. In the second step it puts the results
back together. The difference to mergesort lies in the way the list is split
and is put back together. In part a you will implement an easy version of the algorithm.
For extra credit you can solve part b which does the splitting of lists in a more
sophisticated way.
- (a)
- [10 points] The quicksort algorithm sorts a list by taking the first element of the list and splitting
the list into two lists: those elements which are at most the first element,
and those elements which are larger. For example (3 4 2 1 6) would be split
into (3 2 1) and (4 6). Then both lists are sorted recursively, yielding (in the example)
(1 2 3) and (4 6), and put back together: (1 2 3 4 6). Make
sure your base case(s) work(s).
- (b)
- [Extra credit: 5 points] As above, but instead of choosing the first element of the list as
the pivot element (the element according to which elements are put into the first
or second list), choose a random element in the list. Remember that
(random n) will give you a random number between 0 (inclusive)
and n (exclusive).
Behfar Bastani-Booshehri
Wed Dec 9 10:04:14 CST 1998