[CS Dept logo]

Com Sci 105
Fundamentals of Computer Programming (Scheme)
Autumn 1998

[Instruction] College Instruction
[CS] Department of Computer Science
[UC] The University of Chicago

Copyright information

Last modified: Sat Nov 7 09:03:58 CST 1998

Midterm Exam Report, Section 2, Mike O'Donnell

The scores

I scored the exam out of 35. The actual scores are 35 34 32 31 29x2 26 25 24x3 23x3 22x3 21 19x2 18x3 17x2 16x3 15x4 14x4 13x3 12x3 11x3 10 9x3 8x2. The mean is 18 and the median is 16. I will discuss the scores with the other two instructors on Friday 13 November or Monday 16 November, and then I'll say something more definite about the impact. Section 3 had similar scores. Don't panic yet.

Comments on scoring

To my surprise, you had a harder time with the higher-order/lambda questions than with recursion. I will look for a good time to review that material.

Michael J. O'Donnell
Last modified: Thu Nov 12 21:39:08 CST 1998