CS 105 Fall 1998
How to turn in your programs

First,you need to create a folder to store your homework in. To do this,follow these instructions: Next,you must find the class folder and drop your assignment into the appropriate homework folder within it. For example,Assignment #0 should be dropped into the folder Homework 0 within the class folder. To find the class folder,do the following: An icon for the server now appears on the screen,called MacLab Resources. The class folder is on the server. Go to the server icon,select the Courses folder,then to Autumn 1998 and to the CS105 folder. Open the folder for your section and drop the homework at the correct place. If a folder with the same name as yours already exists and you are not allowed to drop the assignment,change the folder name to something else that is meaningfully related to your name and assignment number and try again.