There's a bug in Netscape Navigator (Communicator) 4.0 which prevents it from correctly running some Java applets. In particular, Netscape won't work with the MPG applet in problem 2.11. The applet will work with Internet Explorer (both Mac and Windows) and the Applet Viewers built into both Code Warrior and Visual Cafe.
If your MPG applet works in Visual Cafe, but then you can get an error in Netscape
after transferring the HTML and class files to a Web server, you've probably
stumbled across this problem. On the Mac you'll probably get a message that says:
Can't find class classname.class
On Windows, the message will probably say:
Applet name can't start: error: NoSuchMethodDefined: java.awt.TextField:
method addActionListener(Ljava/awt/event/...
If you've got the applet working in Visual Cafe, and you've moved the needed files to the Web server, don't worry. Use Internet Explorer (currently in the Communications folder on MacLab resources) to test your applet. Also, I'll use Internet Explorer (which does work) when I check out your applet.
The problem is that there are really two versions of Java floating around. The older version, called Java (or JDK) 1.0 (which was frozen at 1.0.2), has been superseded by Java 1.1 (currently at 1.1.6). Netscape claims that they support 1.1 in Communicator/Navigator 4.0, but they only support some of the new features.
One of the big changes between JDK 1.0 and 1.1 is in the event handling model. (Event handling is one of the features not yet up-to-date in Netscape.) Event handling is programming-speak for how computers find out what's going on in the world. The Comparison applet in Figure 1.13 (and your MPG applet) use event handling to decide when to perform the comparison (or calculate the MPG). Since the other applets in the assignment don't use event handling, they work okay in Netscape.
The class documentation is a great source of information on Java. You'll find detailed information on all the classes and packages that are part of the Java language. So, suppose you wanted to find out about the Graphics class:
All the example code from the book (but not the packages yet) is online.
Information on how to use Visual Cafe, including creating projects, basic debugging and copying to the Web server.
Since Java is a Web-based phenomenon, you’ll often find loads of up-to-date information and help on the Web.
One of the best resources you can find on Java is the Java documentation
itself. The following sources have lots of good information, but might require a
little digging:
Source | What's There |
Java API Documentation | The building blocks of Java programs (Includes info on things like the Graphics class, the Applet class and much, much more |
The Java Tutorial, 2nd Edition | One of the books in the Java series with lots of good info on getting started with Java. |
Java documentation | Overview of all documentation on Java |
Java FAQ Index | Listing of the many different Java FAQs |
Java Glossary | The definitions can be a bit skimpy and sometimes quite technical, but if it's 3 in the morning and you just have to know what the "Swing set" is, check it out. |
Some other more general resources include those listed below.
Who | What | Where |
Java HTP | Textbook examples online (in Zip and tar formats) You can also find the examples on the MacLab Resources drive in the Courses folder (MacLab Resources:Classes:Spring 1998:CS102-02:examples, to be exact). | |
Sun | The originator, and still chaaampeeen, of Java. | |
Javasoft | The Sun subsidiary responsible for developing new versions of Java and Java software. | |
JDK Docs | Complete documentation on the latest Java Development Kit | |
Gamelan | Public repository of Java software. | |
O'Reilly | O'Reilly's Java Web Site | |
Symantec | Makers of Visual Café | |