Assignment 2
Due before class on Friday, April 17th
- Exercise 2.24
- Exercise 3.8
- Exercise 3.21
- In the jumping-box directory, you'll find the Java code for an applet
called Jumping Box. Your job is to write a description of what the applet
does, and how it works, in English. In class we've talked about going from
a statement of a problem in English to a program, and now we'll reverese that
process. Remember that some of the things we considered in class are:
- What data is needed, created or output? Ask yourself: why did the
programmer choose to store certain values as class data, while other
variables simply come and go?
- What behaviors does an object have? What methods are defined how do
they relate to one another?
You might want to run the applet before you try to decipher the Java code.
You'll also find the Visual Cafe debugger to be helpful in deciphering the