Syllabus for CS102-02
This syllabus will probably change slightly based on your preferences for subject matter, but the focus will always be on programming for the Web in Java.

If a lecture title is linked, then the lecture is available online. The lectures will usually be written in Microsoft PowerPoint '97, but also converted to HTML (and possibly PowerPoint 4.0 format). The index page of the HTML version includes a link to download the PowerPoint '97 version. (If you want to view the PowerPoint '97 files on a Mac that only has PowerPoint 4.0, you can download a converter from Microsoft.)

To use the converter in the MacLab:

  1. Use the browser's 'Save As...' feature to save the PowerPoint '97 format file on your computer.
  2. Open the Microsoft Power Point '97 folder on MacLab Resources (Applications:Graphics:Microsoft PowerPoint 4).
  3. Drag the presentation you saved in step 1 on to the Set File Tool icon. (The Set File Tool won't change the location of your file, but it will convert the presentation into a Mac PowerPoint presentation.)
  4. Double-click the presentation to start PowerPoint.

The last two columns list the assigned readings for each topic. The two primary sources are Java: How To Program (Java HTP) and Java in a Nutshell. The Nutshell book is more for reference than tutorial reading, but it does have some very clear explanations.

When Topic Java HTP Nutshell
Week 1 Course Intro    
Introduction to Java 1.8–1.17  
Introduction to OO Programming 6.1–6.3, 6.9, 6.16 71-74
Week 2 Operators 2.11, 2.12, 3.9 228–230
Control Structures I 2.4–2.7, 2.9  
Control Structures II All of Chapter 3  
Week 3 Data Types (Primitive & Reference) (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)   Online
Arrays (PowerPoint 4 for Mac) All of Chapter 5  
Objects 6.6–6.15 (Except 6.12) 49–67
Week 4 Methods I (PowerPoint 4 for Mac) 4.1–4.8  
Methods II (Demo applet) (PowerPoint 4 for Mac) 4.9–4.15  
Events (Demo applet) (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)    
Week 5 OO Programming I 7.1–7.9  
OO Programming II 7.10–7.16  
OO Programming III 7.17–7.20  
Week 6 Strings & Characters (PowerPoint 4 for Mac) 8.1–8.10  
Cross-platform programming (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)    
Intro to Graphics I (PowerPoint 4 for Mac) 9.1–9.5  
Week 7 Intro to Graphics II (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)
A demonstration of drawArc
Intro to Graphics III (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)
9.13, 9.14  
Graphic Components I (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)
Week 8 Graphic Components II (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)
Graphic Components III (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)
Advanced Graphics I (PowerPoint 4 for Mac)
Week 9 No class on Memorial Day    
Advanced Graphics II in the MacLab
HTML version)
Exception Handling 12.1–12.8  
Week 10 Document Object Model & XML    