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   ival    notnum  
   ival    veloc   
   icps    cpsmidi 
   icps    cpsmidib
   kcps    cpsmidib     [irange] 
   ioct    octmidi 
   ioct    octmidib
   koct    octmidib     [irange]
   ipch    pchmidi 
   ipch    pchmidib
   kpch    pchmidib     [irange] 
   iamp    ampmidi      iscal[, ifn]
   kaft    aftouch      iscal 
   kchpr   chpress      iscal
   kbend   pchbend      iscal 
   ival    midictrl     inum[, initial]
   kval    midictrl     inum[, initial] 
   kval    midictrlsc   inum[, iscal][, ioffset][, initial]
   ival    chanctrl     ichnl, ictlno[,ilow,ihigh]
   kval    chanctrl     ichnl, ictlno[,ilow,ihigh]
           ctrlinit     ichnkm, ictlno1, ival1[, ictlno2, ival2[, ictlno3, ival3[,..ival32]]


Get a value from the MIDI event that activated this instrument, or from a continuous MIDI controller, and convert it to a locally useful format.


iscal - Itime scaling factor.
ifn (optional) - function table number of a normalized translation table, by which the incoming value is first interpreted. The default value is 0, denoting no translation.
inum, ictlno - MIDI controller number.
initial - the initial value of the controller.
ilow, ihigh - low and hi ranges for mapping
irange - the pitch bend range in semitones.
ichnl, ichnkm - the midi channel


notnum, veloc - get the MIDI byte value (0 - 127) denoting the note number or velocity of the current event.

cpsmidi, octmidi, pchmidi - get the note number of the current MIDI event, expressed in cps, oct, or pch units for local processing.

cpsmidib, octmidib, pchmidib - get the note number of the current MIDI event, modify it by the current pitch-bend value, and express the result in cps, oct, or pch units. Available as an I-time value or as a continuous ksig value.

ampmidi - get the velocity of the current MIDI event, optionally pass it through a normalized translation table, and return an amplitude value in the range 0 - iscal.

aftouch, chpress, pchbend - get the current after-touch, channel pressure, or pitch-bend value for this channel, rescaled to the range 0 - iscal. Note that this access to pitch-bend data is independent of the MIDI pitch, enabling the value here to be used for any arbitrary purpose.

midictrl - get the current value (0 - 127) of a specified MIDI controller.

midictrlsc - get a scaled and offset value of a controller.

chanctrl  - Get the current value of a controller and optionally map it onto specified range.  ichnl is the MIDI channel and ictlno is the MIDI controller number.

ctrlinit - Sets initial values for a set of MIDI controllers.


Barry Vercoe - Mike Berry
MIT - Mills
May 1997

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