reinit label rigoto label rireturn
reinit - whenever this statement is encountered during a P-time pass, performance is temporarily suspended while a special Initialization pass, beginning at label and continuing to rireturn or endin, is executed. Performance will then be resumed from where it left off.
rigoto - similar to igoto, but effective only during a reinit pass (i.e., No-op at standard I-time). This statement is useful for bypassing units that are not to be reinitialized.
rireturn - terminates a reinit pass (i.e., No-op at standard I-time). This statement, or an endin, will cause normal performance to be resumed.
reset: timout 0, p3 /10, contin ;after p3/10 seconds, reinit reset ; reinit both timout contin: expon 440, p3/10,880 ; and expon rireturn ; then resume perf