CS 103 Fall 2000 - Prof. Henry Tufo


Welcome to CS103.


The instructor is Prof. Henry Tufo. (hmt@cs).

The TA is Catalin Dumitrescu (catalind@cs).
Office hours are held in Ryerson Linux Lab Tuesday and Thursday 6:00pm - 8:00pm (not the final hours yet). Feel free to send questions by email or request an appointment at any time.

Course grades are based on

  Course Overview

BEOWULF is the generic name used to describe a cluster of inexpensive  computers used collectively to solve a single task. Such clusters have  emerged as a low-cost alternative to parallel supercomputers. Several  clusters are now established at Chicago. The course will provide a  basic introduction to their use.    We will focus on the use of multiple processors cooperating to solve  a common task. The course will focus on the use of the message-passing  standard MPI as the basic programming model. This is a library of  communication and synchronization routines that can be used with  either C or Fortran. Students will be required to implement basic  algorithms in either C or Fortran using MPI. ( Syllabus )

  Useful Links


Programs, homework and examinations are to be completed without collaboration with any other person. However, you may discuss with your colleagues the general nature of the solutions to programs and homework problems. Violations of this policy will be reported, and could result in expulsion from the university. In addition, the student will receive a zero grade on the program, homework or examination.
  Submitting HW

(for confirmation)
(only for updating)


Last updated: October 7, 2K