
The emacs text editor is commonly used everywhere. Emacs contains hundreds of commands. It is not necessary to know all the commands, but knowing some of them can help you speed up you typing considerably. Emacs commands either use the Control key (C-) or the Meta key (M-).

Useful Emacs Commands

C-h Online help session
C-x C-f Open a file (new or existing)
C-x C-s Save the file
C-x C-c Exit emacs
C-g Cancel current command operation
C-s Search for characters (forward of cursor)
C-r Search for characters (backwards of cursor)
<meta> Exit a successful search
C-x i Insert file at cursor position
C-x u Undo last edit
C-x 2 Divide the current window horizontally in two
C-x 3 Divide the current window vertically
C-x 1 Undo divided window
C-p Go up a line
C-n Go down a line
C-f Go forward one character
C-b Go backwards one character
C-v Go forward one screen
M-v Go backwards one screen
M-f Go forward a word
M-b Go backwards a word
C-a Go to the beginning of a line
C-e Go to the end of a line
M-a Go backwards one sentence
M-e Go forward one sentence
M-[ Go backwards one paragraph
M-] Go forward one paragraph
C-x [ Go backwards one page
C-x ] Go forward one page
M-> Go to the end of the buffer
M-< Go to the beginning of the buffer
