Introduction to LaTex
LaTex (pronounced La-Tek) is a text formatter that is accessible to
all owners of Unix accounts.
Between the example and the list of symbols in this handout, you
should be able to do everything you need without looking anything else
Following are the commands to work with ".tex" files:
- To 'compile' the ".tex" file into a ".dvi" file (necessary for
either printing or previewing your work), type:
latex file_name.tex
- To preview your work, which you are encouraged to do often (make
sure to run 'LaTex' first), type:
xdvi file_name.dvi
- To make a PostScript file (make sure to run 'LaTex' first, and
don't forget the -o option), type:
dvips file_name.dvi -o
- To view a ".ps" (PostScript) file, use gv:
- To print your finished work (after you check that it looks good in
the previewer), type:
lpr -PRy175
- It is possible to go directly from the ".tex" format to the
printer. To learn how to do this I suggest reading the
dvips man page:
man dvips
You can also find out more about LaTex by checking out the