CS 105-01 Autumn 2000 Sharon Salveter
Fundamentals of Computer Programming 1

You can check your homework and test scores in the grade file

An outline of getting-started information on Dr. Scheme and an intro to the MacLab is online at: http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~mphasak/scheme.html


The instructor is Sharon Salveter. Office: RY 161b. Telephone: 834-2773.
Office Hours: MW 10:30-11:30am. I am most easily reached by email.

The teaching assistant for Section 1 is Ilia Bisnovatyi, ilia@cs, RY257c, 702-3497.
The TA for Section 2 is Murali Ganapathy, gmkrishn@cs, RY162, 702-3496.

TA office hours will be held in the MacLab.

  • Wednesday 5 - 7pm (Ganapathy)
  • Friday 4 - 6pm (Ganapathy)
  • Tuesday 4 - 6pm (Bisnovatyi)
  • Thursday 4 - 6pm (Bisnovatyi)

    There will be a help session every Wednesday 4 - 5 pm in RY276.

    Grading for the course be based on: homework assignments (50%), two in-class tests (12.5% each), and a final exam (25%) .

    Course Overview

    This course will introduce you to the basic concepts of computer programming using the language Scheme. Topics of study include variables, expressions, functions, higher-order functions, recursion and abstraction. We will use the DrScheme implementation of Scheme, which is available in the Maclab (RY178).

    The required text for the course is:

    We will cover the first 19 chapters of the text.

    You will be using the computers in the MacLab (RY178) to complete your programming assignments.


    Please make sure you read and understand my homework presentation and collaboration guidelines.

    You will have a homework assignment approximately every week.


    Last updated: October 6, 2000