31 May 00
Here is a working homework 7. It is very important that you understand this and make it work. in fact, it is so important that you wil not receive credit for homework 7 unless you do the following:
  • Take your original homework 7 code
  • Sit down with my code and your code
  • Using my code as a guide, get yours to work. you absolutely may not just take my code and turn it in. you must correct your own work. the final product should look a lot like your original product.
  • And to make sure that you don't use my code, you must turn in a document, which will probably be 1/2 to 1 page in length, detailing all of the changes you made to your code, and why you did it. this should be a line by line description.
  • You must drop the new version as homework 8 into the electronic drop box, as well as bring a hard copy of the code and the document describing the changes to class for the final.

Note that homework 8 will be considered another assignment, but you will not receive any credit for homework 7 unless you do homework 8. that means 25% of your homework grade is dependent on this.

22 May 00
Here is working homework 6
17 May 00
Here is a working homework 5
15 May 00
You can find package and library documentation here : To find a class, click on the appropriate package (for example, for java.awt.Graphics, click on java.awt), then locate the class.

18 Apr 00
The TA will be holding a tutorial on Visual Cafe in the MacLab at 1500 (3pm) Friday


The books are as follows (click the title to order online from amazon if you don't want to go to the bookstore):

The URL with info and such about the book is