I will determine your grade for this course primarily on the basis of a private interview, in which you present examples and explain the insights that you derive from listening to them. You may present the fruits of your own programming, and also other people's work with fair attribution. I am interested in critical insight more than programming. I will also give credit for insightful comments on the online class discussion.
For those who are graduating this quarter, I must file grades on Friday 2 June, so sign up for an interview on Thursday 1 June. If Thursday is infeasible, let me know and we'll try to arrange something on Wednesday. If you are not graduating, please sign up for an interview on Thursday 8 June.
Aim for 30 minutes, but I'll reserve blocks of 60 minutes so that there is no rush. Please prepare an informal presentation of your ideas, but also be prepared to answer questions. Here is a schedule of available slots. Please send email to odonnell@cs to reserve a slot. I will try to mark slots quickly as they are reserved, but if I get multiple requests for a slot, I'll take the first comer. If there are serious problems with this schedule, contact me and we'll work out a variation.
Please make your arrangments for the final interview by Monday 29 May.
Tip: I will be brighter and more cheerful at the earlier times.
By default, I'll hold the interviews in my office, and you may use the Linux machine Satisfaction for demonstrations. I will configure it like the Linux machines in the Ryerson Annex Labs, except that there will be speakers as well as headphone output. If you use Satisfaction, you will have direct access to the same files that you manipulate on the other CS Department Linux/Unix systems. If you want to use some other facilities, it is your responsibility to make arrangements. I will meet you at other locations if appropriate.