Welcome to CS116. Announcements, homework, and all else will be posted here. You are responsible for checking this web site every day.

14 Aug 00
There will be no class today, monday. The midterm will still be wednesday. Here is a review sheet.

Mike will have office hours from 4-5 on tuesday and 1230-130 on wednesday. regular office hours after class won't be heald because of the midterm.

7 Aug 00
The midterm will be Wednesday of 3rd week (16 Aug 00) in class
31 Jul 00
Instructor: Jen Golbeck, jagolbec@cs.uchicago.edu
Office Hours By Appointment

TA: Mike Hasak, mphasak@cs.uchicago.edu
Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday 330-500 in the MacLab

The text for this course will be You can get these at the book store or use this link to order online.
Tutorials on CodeWarrior will be in the maclab tuesday at 4pm and wednesday at 3pm.

You can order codewarrior with a discount here: http://www.metrowerks.com/academic/