Welcome to CS101!

On this page, you will find homework, tutorial information, and other announcements about CS101. Please check this site regularly.

23 Jan 01
Cheryl's Photoshop Primer is available online. This version has photo examples as well.
17 Jan 01
Jen's Site of the Day is available here.
We have three TA's who are shared among all three sections:

Han Gao: hangao@cs.uchicago.edu
Jing Liu: jliu @cs.uchicago.edu
Xuehai Zhang: hai@cs.uchicago.edu

Tutorials and Office Hours
All office hours are held in the MacLab

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 4pm-8pm
Friday: 2pm-5pm

Tutorials will be held twice each week in Ryerson 276
Monday 6-7pm

and in Ryerson 277 on Wednesday: 6pm-7pm


Sharon Salveter - salveter@cs.uchicago.edu
Jennifer Golbeck - jagolbec@cs.uchicago.edu

If you are using windows and need an ftp program, you should download WS FTP. you can get it free here:


Instructions for using it are here:


If you are using a mac, a fetch demo can be downloaded from here:


and instructions are here


WS FTP and fetch are also available free in the connectivity package in their full form (as opposed to demos or lite versions). That is available for free from the campus computer store, or on cd for checkout at the Regenstein Library.


The books for this course can be found at the bookstore. If you prefer to order online (or if the bookstore is out), the titles are linked to Amazon for your convenience.
There are tutorials to cover ftp, BBEdit, and Netscape features scheduled for this week in the MacLab. Times are Thursday 5:00
Friday 4:00
Monday 5:00
Tuesday 6:15

You will be responsible for knowing everything covered in these tutorials, so you should attend unless you are familiar with all of the features of these applications.