[CS Dept., U Chicago] Courses

Com Sci 29500: Digital Sound Modeling (Spring 2003)

Class Project

Getting Started


Please do the following setup steps as soon as possible (Saturday 12 April at the latest), to be ready for the real class work.

  1. Set up your CS Department computer account.

    1. Every student at U Chicago should already have a computer account. If you do not know your login id and password, check with NSIT.

    2. If you do not have one already, get yourself a computer account in the Department of Computer Science. Use your Web browser to sign up online. You will get an account for the CS system with the same login id and password as you have on the NSIT system.

  2. Check the online discussion for the class. Post a note introducing yourself.

  3. Set up a public directory to share class work.

    1. In your home directory on the CS system, there should be a subdirectory named html. If not create it
      mkdir html
      and make it readable by everyone
      chmod a+rx html

    2. Set up a subdirectory of html named CS295_files
      cd html; mkdir CS295_files
      and make it readable by everyone
      chmod a+rx CS295_files
      We will share work on class projects in these directories. The html directory is a great place to create a personal Web page for your work in CS, in a file called index.html. Please do not place any file named index.html in CS295_files or in its subdirectories. Normal Web browsers will then provide a direct view of all the files you have there, and allow others to copy them according to our open project nonrules.

Valid HTML 4.0!

Last modified: Sun Mar 25 20:11:41 CST 2001