CMSC 37110-1
Discrete Mathematics

Instructor: Caroline J. Klivans
office: Eckhart 308A
e-mail: cjk (at)
office hours: by appointment

TAs: Sourav Chakraborty
Hari Narayanan
office hours: W 2:30 - 4:30, F 2:30 - 3:30 256 Ryerson

Lecture: MWF 11:30-12:20 Ryerson 277

Course Description: This course covers a variety of topics from discrete mathematics with an emphasis on mathematical techniques and rigorous proof. Topics include counting, number theory, graph theory, probability, Markov models, asymptotics, and linear algebra.

Required texts: (Available at the Seminary Co-op)

Discrete Mathematics with Combinatorics, by James A. Anderson, published by Pearson Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, ISBN# 0130457914

Lectures on Linear Algebra, by I. M. Gel'fand, translated by A. Shenitzer, published by Dover Publications, Inc., ISBN# 0-486-66082-6

Homework 1 due in class Wednesday September 29th
Homework 2 due in class Monday October 4th
Homework 3 due in class Wednesday October 6th
Homework 4 due in class Monday October 11th
Homework 5 due in class Wednesday October 13th
Homework 6 due in class Monday October 18th
Homework 7 due in class Wednesday October 20th
Homework 8 due in class Monday October 25th
Homework 9 due in class Wednesday November 3rd
Homework 10 due in class Monday November 8th
Homework 11 due in class Wednesday November 10th
Homework 12 due in class Monday November 15th
Homework 13 due in class Wednesday November 17th
Homework 14 due in class Wednesday November 24th
Homework 15 due Friday December 3rd