- (July 23) Solution to the n-queens problem (we have already
done most of hard work in the homeworks) is
here. Just run (allsols n) to
get all the solutions for an n x n chess board.
- (July 23) Today is the final exam. You may consult your
class notes, text book, course webpage (for previous homeworks
and solutions) during the exam.
- (July 17) Changes in HW 8 (Tree traversals only).
- (July 16) You should tell me if you want
a letter grade or a Pass/Fail grade before 11:59 pm on July
23rd. If I don't hear from you by then I will assume you
want a letter grade.
- (July 16) The last homework is HW 8. No more homeworks.
- (July 16th) The complete source code for the binary tree
related code is here.
- (July 7th) The complete source code for the permutation
program can be got from here.
- (July 7th) The midterm solutions are up now. You will also
need to download the corresponding scheme files as well.
(Just click on the links in the PDF file).
- (June 28th) The mid term will be held in the MacLab on
Friday, July 2nd from 1.30 to 3.30.
- (June 23rd) Linux account:
You will need a departmental linux account for the midterm.
Instructions to get one.
- (June 21st) CLASS ROOM CHANGE:
The class will be held in Ry 255.
Administrative Information
- Any email regarding the class should be sent to gmkrishn+class(at)
- My office is in Ry254.
You are welcome to walk in and try your luck, but I prefer that
you make a prior appointment.
Reading Material
Go to www.cs/info/services
and click on "Request a CS account". You will need a CNet ID in order
to request an account. If you don't have a CNet ID, let me know.
You should familiarise yourself with using DrScheme on the
departmental Linux machines. Suggest solving your homework
problems on the linux machines.
Homework, Exams and such
- There will one mid term, one final and no quizzes.
- All home works will count to 40% of your grade,
the mid term 25% of your grade, and the final 35%.
- The midterm and the final exam will be a lab exam, i.e.
- You will have to solve some problems using DrScheme
(on a departmental linux machine) in
a prescribed time limit.
- You can consult your notes as well as the textbook, during
the exam.
- There may also be some theory questions, i.e. questions for
which your answer should be written on a piece of paper.
- For homework details see here.
What we covered in the lectures...
- (June 21) Designing scheme functions to
calculate functions from numbers to numbers.
- (June 23) Boolean functions, Symbols and the guessing game.
- (June 25) Defining structures and using them, Error checking.
- (June 28) Recursive functions
- (June 30) Lists
- (July 02) MID TERM EXAM
- (July 05) No class
- (July 07) Functions returning lists, sorting, permutations
- (July 09) Quick Sort, Functions as arguments, filter, foldr, map
- (July 12) Review of prev class, local, lambda
- (July 14) Using local and lambda
- (July 16) Binary trees, traversals and evaluating syntax trees
- (July 19) Binary search trees
- (July 21) Review, Student submitted problems...
- (July 23) Final Exam
Other scheme links (unrelated to course)