1. (10) Write a program that takes in a series of integer arguments on the command line and prints out the arguments in sorted order. > sorter 5 2 4 6 3 2 6 3 34 2333 54 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 34 54 2333 2. (30) Write a structure called a stack. It should support the following operations: // Allocate memory for the stack structure and return pointer to it struct stack *createStack() // Put a node with element key on the top of the stack void push(struct stack *s, int key) // Remove the top node off the stack and return the key in that node int pop(struct stack *s) // Delete all the nodes in the stack void freeStack(struct stack *s) // Print the keys in all the nodes in the stack void printStack(struct stacks *s)