CMSC10100 -- Introduction to Programming the World Wide Web | |
Section Homepages:
Welcome to CMSC10100!On this page, you will find homework, tutorial information, and other announcements about CMSC10100.Please check this site regularly. Staff:The instructors for this course are:Wolfgang Freis: 11:30-12:20 MWF, Ry 276 Xuehai Zhang: 10:30-11:50 TTh, Ry 251. The TAs (graders) for this course are: Ioan Raicu Office Hours : TBAEmail: Gohar Margaryan
Office Hours : TBA
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TutorialsThere will be tutorials to cover Introduction to Unix in the MacLab at Regenstein, Level A.We are working with MacLab people to plan more tutorials related to CMSC10100. Topics will cover ftp, BBEdit, Netscape features and Photoshop (time TBA). |