CMSC 25000 - Artificial Intelligence
Winter 2004
INFORMATION ABOUT CMSC 25000: Artificial Intelligence
Section | Days | Time (A.M.) | Classroom
01 | Tuesdays and Thursdays | 10:30-11:50 | Ryerson 276
- Syllabus
- Shows the date and title for each session and provides links to
the reading and homework assignments for each week.
- Textbook
- The course textbook is Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, 2nd edition.
This book is available in the Seminary Co-op bookstore or from several
on-line book-sellers.
- Prerequisites: CMSC 115 or 105. CMSC 174 recommended.
- Most of the homework assignments for this course will require
knowledge of the Scheme or LISP programming languages. These assignments do
not require writing many lines of code, but do assume the ability to
read and understand Scheme programs and to identify quickly the
small regions that actually require modification to complete the
assignment. The first assignment is intended to serve as a
Scheme diagnostic, if you have trouble with this assignment, you should
consider further Scheme programming experience before attempting CMSC
- Course Description
- A description of course goals, instructional staff and their
office hours, classroom utilization, required and recommended
materials, and grading procedures for the course.
Note that this course has an emphasis on hand-on laboratory work.
- Course Mailing List
The course email address is:
We encourage announcements and discussion about the classes on the mailing list.
- Reading List
- Detailed information about the reading assignments for each week.
- Homework Assignments
- Specific homework assignments and information about the class
can be found here. Helpful hints provided by the TAs in
response to common questions will also appear here from time to time,
so it is worth checking back occassionally.
- Exams
- Exam study guides and sample exams will be available here.