Instructor: | Pedro F. Felzenszwalb |
Email: | pff (at) |
Lecture: | MWF 9:30-10:20 Ryerson 276 |
Lab: | W 3:30-4:50 JRL A 01C |
Section 2
Instructor: | Robert C. Kirby |
Email: | kirby (at) |
Lecture: | TTh 12:00-1:20 Ryerson 251 |
Lab: | T 4:30-5:50 JRL A 01C |
Lab TA
Kenneth Harris |
Email: kaharris (at) |
Bradley Boven |
Email: bboven (at) |
Office hours: Monday and Thursday 1pm-2pm in Ryerson 178. |
Catalin Dumitrescu |
Email: cldumitr (at) |
Office hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 6pm-7pm in the CS Lab. |
Grading will be based on weekly homeworks (40%), lab participation and performance (20%) and two exams (20% each).
Textbook: Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ by Goodrich, Tamassia and Mount.
1. Types, Operators, Expressions.
2. Control flow, Functions, Templates.
3. Classes, Encapsulaton, Intro to data structures.
4. Vectors, Lists.
5. Trees.
6. Priority queues, Sorting.
7. Dictionaries, Hashtables.
8. Graphs, Representations and algorithms.
There is a mailing list for the class, you should join here.
Example code from section 1 lectures can be found here.
Example code from section 2 lectures can be found here.
Tree Implementation Code (02022k5 Lecture)
Homework 1, due Thursday January 13.
Homework 2, due Friday January 21.
Homework 3, due Friday January 28.
Homework 4, due Thursday February 17.
Homework 5, due Wednesday March 2.