CMSC 15200 - Winter 2007
Introduction to Computer Science 2

General information

Section 1
Instructor:Pedro Felzenszwalb
Email:pff (at)
Lecture:MWF 9:30-10:20 Ryerson 276
Lab:Tu 3:00-4:20 JRL A01C
Office hours:Wednesday 3:00-4:00 in Ryerson 162C

Section 2
Instructor:Anne Rogers
Email:amr (at)
Lecture:TTh 12:00-1:20 Ryerson 251
Lab:Tu 4:30-5:50 JRL A01C
Office hours:Monday 1:30-3:00 in Ryerson 259

Lab TA
Kenneth Harris
Email: kaharris (at)

Zhandos Yessenbayev
Email: yessen (at)
Office hours: Thursday 3:00-5:00 in Ryerson 178
Aaron Turon
Email: adrassi (at)
Office hours: Sunday 12:00-2:00 in the Mac Lab


An introduction to computer science and data structures using the C programming language.
Textbook: The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie.
Grading will be based on weekly homeworks (40%), lab participation and performance (20%) and two exams (20% each).


Request a CS computer account here.
The Lab webpage has information about the computer lab and links to useful material.


Assignments will be due on Sunday evenings at 8pm. Any assignment received after 8pm will be considered late. Students may submit up to two assignments late. Late homework is due 72 hours after the original deadline.

Homework 1 due Sunday January 14.
Homework 2 due Sunday January 21.
Homework 3 due Sunday January 28.
Homework 4 due Sunday February 4.
Homework 5/6 due Sunday, February 18.
Homework 7 due Sunday, February 25.
Homework 8 due Wednesday, March 7.