CMSC35100-1: Natural Language Processing

    Introduction to Discourse and Dialogue

[ Description ] [ Requirements ] [ Syllabus ] [ Assignments ] [ Bibliography ] [ Resources ]
Course Requirements


  1. Class attendance and completion of the readings by the assigned date are essential. This is not a straight lecture class - you will be expected to be able to discuss the articles.

  2. Each student will lead the discussion of an article once or twice during the semester. Leading the dicussion means 

    • presenting a summary of  the article.The summary should indicate and explicate the important parts of the article, the problems with the theory espoused or system explained, and the relevance for previous research discussed in class; 

  4. The final project should explore a specific problem area in discourse or dialogue processing. It must go beyond a simple review of the literature to suggest new solutions or extensions to existing approaches for the problem studied.  The project may either be an analytical paper 20-25 pages in length OR may include an implementation of the proposed solution, accompanied by a 10-15 page description of the technique, the phenomena it handles, and how it extends existing capabilities.

    Students will come up with the idea for their final project by the 5th week of the term and will turn in a proposal at that time. Final project presentations will take place during the last classes. 


Some of the course readings will be available electronically, and linked to the syllabus.   Other readings will be passed out before class..