You can test a string with the parseInt() and parseFloat() methods. However, these methods have a peculiar behavior. If a string starts with a number, the methods will accept all leading characters that are numbers and discard the rest:
parseInt(3abc) returns 3 = is a number
parseInt(3.1abc) returns 3.1 = is a number
However, if the first character is a letter, it will create an error
parseInt(abc3.1) returns NaN = Not a Number
Javascript contains a method that does the number test for you, isNaN(number). If the value passed to the method is not a number, it will return true.
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function isNumber(field) { if (!isNaN(field.value)) { alert("You entered number: " + field.value + "."); } else { alert("This field is not a number."); field.focus();; field.value = ""; } } // --> </script>