The input/output connections between the operating system and a Perl program are called filehandles; they regulate the transmission of data between the input channels, the central processing unit, and the output channels.
Upon starting a program, Perl automatically opens three filehandels:
The output for the "print" command goes to STDOUT by default.
A filehandle is accessed by using the diamond operator with the filehandle name inserted:
A filehandle can be given any name (STDOUT, STDIN, and STDERR are reserved names, of course). Since they are constants (they don't change), they are customarily written in upper-case letters. This help to ensure that their names don't collide with other names defined in the program.
The < >
operator is a line-input operator;
when it is used in a scalar context on a filehandle
it returns a line from the file every time it is called
until the end-of-file marker is encountered. If it is called in a list context,
it returns an entire file, and each line is one element in the list.
Perl grew out of Unix, and Unix treats everything as a file: files, of course, but also directories, the output monitor, disk drives, CD-ROM drives, everything. Consequently, it doesn't matter what a filehandle is: it can be an actual file, but it might be the keyboard as well. As far as programming is concerned
is handled the same way as
The only difference is that input in the first case comes from a file, in the second it comes from the keyboard. The details are handled by Perl.