BA10::How many of these people are members of the household? BA11::During the past 12 months, has this business paid anyone in cash or in kind to work here? (1 - yes, 3 - no, if no skip to BA15A) BA12::How many workers were paid? BA13::What was the lowest daily wage that you paid to anyone over the past 12 months? BA14::What was the highest daily wage that you paid to anyone over the past 12 months? BA15A::Did you have any problems with this business over the past 12 months? BA15B::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? BA15B1::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? (#1) BA15B2::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? (#2) BA15C1::Why did these problems occur? #1 BA15C2::Why did these problems occur? #2 BA15C3::Why did these problems occur? #3 BA21A::Was this business founded in the past 12 months? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no go to BA26) BA21B::Why did you decide to establish this business when you did? BA21B1::Why did you decide to establish this business when you did? (#1) BA21B2::Why did you decide to establish this business when you did? (#2) BA21B3::Why did you decide to establish this business when you did? (#3) BA21B4::Why did you decide to establish this business when you did? (#4) BA22::Besides the funds that you needed to buy the assets that were necessary to start your business did you need any additional funds to start your business? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to BA26) BA23::What did you need the additional funding for? BA23A::What did you need the additional funding for? (#1) BA23B::What did you need the additional funding for? (#2) BA24::How much additional funding did you need? (indicate total amount in Baht) BA25::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) BA25_10::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source non-relatives BA25_11::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source moneylender BA25_12::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source gift BA25_13::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source employer BA25_14::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other BA25_2::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source cash from land/asset sales BA25_3::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source store credit BA25_4::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source commercial bank BA25_5::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source baac BA25_6::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source agricultural co-op BA25_7::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source pcg BA25_8::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source)source other organization BA25_9::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source relatives BA25O1::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other BA25O2::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other #2 BA27A::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? BA27A1::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#1) BA27A2::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#2) BA27A3::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#3) BA27A4::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#4) BA27B::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. BA27B1::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #1 BA27B2::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #2 BA27B3::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #3 BA4::How many years has this business been in existence? BA5::Where did the idea to start the business come from? BA5O1::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (OTHER #1) BA5O2::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (OTHER #2) BA5O3::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (OTHER #3) BA6::Do you, or members of your household own all of the business? BA8A::Who else owns this business? (get details about relationship, etc.) BA8A1::Who else owns this business? (#1) BA8A2::Who else owns this business? (#2) BA8B::Over the past 12 months, have there been any changes in the ownership of this business (for example changes in the number of partners or their ownership shares? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to BA9.) BA8C::Please describe the changes in the ownership of this business. BA8C1::Please describe the changes in the ownership of this business. (#1) BA8C2::Please describe the changes in the ownership of this business. (#2) BA9::How many people altogether worked in this business for at least 6 months of the last 12 months regardless of whether they were paid or not? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BA16::What major machinery, equipment, inventory, buildings and other assets are required for the household's business? (Write the assets in column one of the table below. By "major" we mean assets that cost at least 1000 Baht.) BA18::How much did this ___ (name asset) cost? BA19::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Record all that apply. If there is only one source of money then skip to BA20.) [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] BA19A::What was the largest source of the money to buy this item? BA19B::How much money came from this source? BA19O1::How did you get the money (other)? BA19O2::How did you get the money (other)? BA20::For how many years has the household owned this item? BAID::Row # CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number FILTER__::filter__ baid >= 1 (filter) BA_ROW::Row # BA28::Comparing the past 12 months to the 12 months before that have there been any changes in any of the following? (1 - yes, 3 - no, 5 - not an issue for this business. Enumerator: ask for each issue listed in the table below. If the answer is 3 or 5 go on t BA29::Please describe the change. Did ___ 1 - increase or 3 - decrease? BA30::What do you think is the reason for this change? BA30A::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#1) BA30B::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#2) BA30C::What do you think is the reason for this change?(#3) BA30D::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#4) BA31::How has this change affected this business? BA31A::How has this change affected this business? (#1) BA31B::How has this change affected this business? (#2) BA31C::How has this change affected this business? (#3) BA31D::How has this change affected this business? (#4) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BB10::How many of these people are members of the household? BB11::During the past 12 months, has this business paid anyone in cash or in kind to work here? (1 - yes, 3 - no, if no skip to BA15A) BB12::How many workers were paid? BB13::What was the lowest daily wage that you paid to anyone over the past 12 months? BB14::What was the highest daily wage that you paid to anyone over the past 12 months? BB15A::Did you have any problems with this business over the past 12 months? BB15B1::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? BB15B2::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? (#1) BB15C1::Why did these problems occur? #3 BB15C2::Why did these problems occur? BB15C3::Why did these problems occur? #1 BB15C4::Why did these problems occur? #2 BB21B1::Why did you esablish this business when you did? BB21B2::Why did you esablish this business when you did? BB21B3::Why did you esablish this business when you did? BB22::Besides the funds that you needed to buy the assets that were necessary to start your business did you need any additional funds to start your business? BB23::What did you need the additional funding for? (#2) BB23B::What did you need the additional funding for? (#1) BB24::How much additional funding did you need? (indicate total amount in Baht) BB25_1::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source cash savings BB25_10::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source non-relatives BB25_11::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source moneylender BB25_12::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source gift BB25_13::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source employer BB25_14::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other BB25_2::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source cash from land/asset sales BB25_3::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source store credit BB25_5::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source baac BB25_6::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source agricultural co-op BB25_7::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source pcg BB25_8::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source)source other organization BB25_9::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source relatives BB25O1::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other BB25O2::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other #2 BB26::If you could increase the size of your business do you think it would be more profitable? BB27A1::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#1) BB27A2::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#2) BB27A3::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#3) BB27B1::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. (#1) BB27B2::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. (#2) BB27B3::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #3 BB27B4::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. (#4) BB5::Where did the idea to start the business come from? BB5O1::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (Government Organization) BB5O2::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (NGO) BB5O3::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (Other) BB6::Do you, or members of your household own all of the business? BB7::What percentage is owned by this household? BB8A1::Who else owns this business? #1 BB8A2::Who else owns this business? #2 BB8B::Over the past 12 months, have there been any changes in the ownership of this business (for example changes in the number of partners or their ownership shares? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to BB9.) BB8C1::Please describe the changes in the ownership of the business. (#1) BB8C2::Please describe the changes in the ownership of the business. (#2) BB9::How many people altogether worked in this business for at least 6 months of the last 12 months regardless of whether they were paid or not? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BB16::What major machinery, equipment, inventory, buildings and other assets are required for the household's business? (Write the assets in column one of the table below. By "major" we mean assets that cost at least 1000 Baht.) BB17::How many _____ (ask about the assets identified in BB16) does the household own? (If the household owns more than one of an asset then use multiple lines in the table to record the information about how each of the items were acquired etc. Be sure to ask BB18::How much did this ___ (name asset) cost? BB19::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Record all that apply. If there is only one source of money then skip to BA20.) [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] BB19A::What was the largest source of the money to buy this item? BB19B::How much money came from this source? BB19O1::How did you get the money (other)? BB19O2::How did you get the money (other)? BB20::For how many years has the household owned this item? BBID::Row # CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number FILTER__::filter__ bbid >= 1 (filter) BB_ISSUE::Issue BB_ROW::BB Row # BB28::Comparing the past 12 months to the 12 months before that have there been any changes in any of the following? (1 - yes, 3 - no, 5 - not an issue for this business. Enumerator: ask for each issue listed in the table below. BB29::Please describe the change. Did ___ 1 - increase or 3 - decrease? BB30A::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#1) BB30B::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#2) BB30C::What do you think is the reason for this change?(#3) BB30D::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#4) BB31A::How has this change affected this business? (#1) BB31B::How has this change affected this business? (#2) BB31C::How has this change affected this business? (#3) BB31D::How has this change affected this business? (#4) CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BC10::How many of these people are members of the household? BC11::During the past 12 months, has this business paid anyone in cash or in kind to work here? (1 - yes, 3 - no, if no skip to BA15A) BC12::How many workers were paid? BC13::What was the lowest daily wage that you paid to anyone over the past 12 months? BC14::What was the highest daily wage that you paid to anyone over the past 12 months? BC15A::Did you have any problems with this business over the past 12 months? BC15B1::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? BC15B2::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? (#1) BC15C1::Why did these problems occur? #3 BC15C2::Why did these problems occur? BC21B1::Why did you esablish this business when you did? BC21B2::Why did you esablish this business when you did? BC21B3::Why did you esablish this business when you did? BC22::Besides the funds that you needed to buy the assets that were necessary to start your business did you need any additional funds to start your business? BC23::What did you need the additional funding for? (#2) BC24::How much additional funding did you need? (indicate total amount in Baht) BC25_1::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source cash savings BC25_10::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source non-relatives BC25_11::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source moneylender BC25_12::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source gift BC25_13::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source employer BC25_14::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other BC25_2::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source cash from land/asset sales BC25_3::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source store credit BC25_4::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source commercial bank BC25_6::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source agricultural co-op BC25_7::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source pcg BC25_8::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source)source other organization BC25_9::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source relatives BC25O1::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other BC25O2::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other #2 BC26::If you could increase the size of your business do you think it would be more profitable? BC27A1::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#1) BC27A2::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#2) BC27A3::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#3) BC27B1::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. (#1) BC27B2::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. (#2) BC4::How many years has this business been in existence? BC5::Where did the idea to start the business come from? BC5O1::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (Government Organization) BC5O3::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (Other) BC6::Do you, or members of your household own all of the business? BC7::What percentage is owned by this household? BC8A1::Who else owns this business? #1 BC8A2::Who else owns this business? #2 BC8B::Over the past 12 months, have there been any changes in the ownership of this business (for example changes in the number of partners or their ownership shares? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to BB9.) BC8C1::Please describe the changes in the ownership of the business. (#1) BC8C2::Please describe the changes in the ownership of the business. (#2) BC9::How many people altogether worked in this business for at least 6 months of the last 12 months regardless of whether they were paid or not? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BC17::How many _____ (ask about the assets identified in BC16) does the household own? (If the household owns more than one of an asset then use multiple lines in the table to record the information about how each of the items were acquired etc. Be sure to ask BC18::How much did this ___ (name asset) cost? BC19::How did you get the money to buy this item? BC19A::What was the largest source of the money to buy this item? BC19B::How much money came from this source? BC19O1::How did you get the money (other)? BC19O2::How did you get the money (other)? BC20::For how many years has the household owned this item? BCID::Row # CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BC_ISSUE::Issue BC_ROW::Row # BC28::Comparing the past 12 months to the 12 months before that have there been any changes in any of the following? (1 - yes, 3 - no, 5 - not an issue for this business. Enumerator: ask for each issue listed in the table below. BC29::Please describe the change. Did ___ 1 - increase or 3 - decrease? BC30A::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#1) BC30B::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#2) BC30C::What do you think is the reason for this change?(#3) BC30D::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#4) BC31A::How has this change affected this business? (#1) BC31B::How has this change affected this business? (#2) BC31C::How has this change affected this business? (#3) BC31D::How has this change affected this business? (#4) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BD10::How many of these people are members of the household? BD11::During the past 12 months, has this business paid anyone in cash or in kind to work here? (1 - yes, 3 - no, if no skip to BA15A) BD12::How many workers were paid? BD13::What was the lowest daily wage that you paid to anyone over the past 12 months? BD14::What was the highest daily wage that you paid to anyone over the past 12 months? BD15A::Did you have any problems with this business over the past 12 months? BD15B1::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? BD15B2::What were the problems that you had over the past 12 months? (#1) BD15C1::Why did these problems occur? #3 BD15C2::Why did these problems occur? BD21A::Was this business founded in the past 12 months? BD21B1::Why did you esablish this business when you did? BD21B2::Why did you esablish this business when you did? BD22::Besides the funds that you needed to buy the assets that were necessary to start your business did you need any additional funds to start your business? BD23::What did you need the additional funding for? (#2) BD24::How much additional funding did you need? (indicate total amount in Baht) BD25_1::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source cash savings BD25_10::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source non-relatives BD25_11::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source moneylender BD25_12::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source gift BD25_13::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source employer BD25_14::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other BD25_2::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source cash from land/asset sales BD25_3::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source store credit BD25_4::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source commercial bank BD25_5::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source baac BD25_6::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source agricultural co-op BD25_7::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source pcg BD25_9::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source relatives BD25O1::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other BD25O2::How did you get this additional funding (indicate amount in Baht by source) source other #2 BD26::If you could increase the size of your business do you think it would be more profitable? BD27A1::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#1) BD27A2::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your business? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your business? (#2) BD27B1::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. (#1) BD27B2::Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. (#2) BD4::How many years has this business been in existence? BD5::Where did the idea to start the business come from? BD5O1::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (Government Organization) BD5O2::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (NGO) BD5O3::Where did the idea to start the business come from? (Other) BD6::Do you, or members of your household own all of the business? BD7::What percentage is owned by this household? BD8A2::Who else owns this business? #2 BD8B::Over the past 12 months, have there been any changes in the ownership of this business (for example changes in the number of partners or their ownership shares? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to BB9.) BD8C1::Please describe the changes in the ownership of the business. (#1) BD8C2::Please describe the changes in the ownership of the business. (#2) BD9::How many people altogether worked in this business for at least 6 months of the last 12 months regardless of whether they were paid or not? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BD16::What major machinery, equipment, inventory, buildings and other assets are required for the household's business? (Write the assets in column one of the table below. By "major" we mean assets that cost at least 1000 Baht.) BD17::How many _____ (ask about the assets identified in BD16) does the household own? (If the household owns more than one of an asset then use multiple lines in the table to record the information about how each of the items were acquired etc. Be sure to ask BD18::How much did this ___ (name asset) cost? BD19::How did you get the money to buy this item? BD19B::How much money came from this source? BD19O1::How did you get the money (other)? BD19O2::How did you get the money (other)? BD20::For how many years has the household owned this item? BDID::Row # CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number FILTER__::filter__ bdid >= 1 (filter) BD_ISSUE::Issue BD_ROW::Row # BD28::Comparing the past 12 months to the 12 months before that have there been any changes in any of the following? (1 - yes, 3 - no, 5 - not an issue for this business. Enumerator: ask for each issue listed in the table below. BD30A::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#1) BD30B::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#2) BD30C::What do you think is the reason for this change?(#3) BD30D::What do you think is the reason for this change? (#4) BD31A::How has this change affected this business? (#1) BD31B::How has this change affected this business? (#2) BD31C::How has this change affected this business? (#3) BD31D::How has this change affected this business? (#4) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number BL1A::Do you or members of your household owe money or goods to anyone? For example, to a commercial bank, the BAAC, a PCG, a Rice Bank, the Agricultural Cooperative, a government agency, a moneylender, a friend, a relative or any other individual or instituti BL2A::In the past 12 months has any member of your household completely repaid a loan of money or goods? (1 - yes, 3 - no) BL2B::How many loans have been completely repaid during the past 12 months? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number FILTER__::filter__ bl2a = 3 (filter) BL3A::Loan number (record the loan number (from 1 to BL1B + BL2B) in column one, record all of the loan numbers and who the lender is first) BL3B::Who did you borrow from? (Other) BL3BO::Who did you borrow from? BL3C::In what month and year did you borrow the money? BL3D::Has this loan been fully repaid? (1 - yes, 3 - no) BL3E::How much money or goods (if goods, record value) was borrowed? BL3G::How long is the loan for? (record the answer in months - i.e. how many months are there from when the money was borrowed until the time that it must be paid back?) BL3H::Why was this money borrowed? (record all that apply) BL3HO1::Why was this money borrowed? (Which business?) BL3HO2::Why was this money borrowed? (Other #2) BL3I::What did the household offer as collateral for this loan? (If code not 3 - 11 then skip to BL3K) BL3IO::What did the household offer as collateral for this loan? (Other) BL3J::(If the household used collateral) What was the value of the collateral at the time you got this loan? BL3K::If you could not repay this lender or if this lender had to take your collateral or if your cosigners had to repay the loan for you, what would be the consequences for you (the borrower)? BL3KO::If you could not repay this lender or if this lender had to take your collateral or if your cosigners had to repay the loan for you, what would be the consequences for you (the borrower)? (Other) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number CASEID::Case ID CVR11::What is the current marital status of the household head? CVR13::What is the most convenient phone number to reach you at? CVR14::Whose phone number is this? CVR14OTH::Whose phone number is this? (other) CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number CVR1F::Team Number CVR2A::Enumerator CVR2A_1::Enumerator # CVR2A_2::Enumerator # CVR2A_3::Enumerator # CVR2B_1::Visit # CVR2B_2::Visit # CVR2B_3::Visit # CVR2C::Start Time CVR2C_1::Start Time CVR2C_2::Start Time CVR2C_3::Start Time CVR2D::Stop Time CVR2D_1::Stop Time CVR2D_2::Stop Time CVR2D_3::Stop Time CVR2E::Date CVR2E_1::Date CVR2E_2::Date CVR2E_3::Date CVR2F_1::Result CVR2F_2::Result CVR2F_3::Result CVR2FO_1::Result CVR2FO_2::Result CVR2FO_3::Result CVR2G::House number from big survey CVR2H::Head of Household from big survey CVR2I::House number (re-survey) CVR2J::Head of Household (re-survey) CVR2K::Change in Household during last 12 months CVR2L::Head of Household (when CVR2K = 9 or 11) CVR2M::House Number (when CVR2K = 9 or 11) CVR2N::Household Number (to replace this one) CVR3A::Editor CVR3A02::Editor CVR3A03::Editor CVR3A04::Editor CVR3B::Edit # CVR3B01::Edit # CVR3B02::Edit # CVR3B03::Edit # CVR3B04::Edit # CVR3C::Start Time CVR3C01::Start Time CVR3C02::Start Time CVR3C03::Start Time CVR3C04::Start Time CVR3D::End Time CVR3D01::End Time CVR3D03::End Time CVR3D04::End Time CVR3E::Day/Month CVR3E01::Day/Month CVR3E02::Day/Month CVR3E03::Day/Month CVR3E04::Day/Month CVR3F::Results CVR3F01::Results CVR3F02::Results CVR3F03::Results CVR3F04::Results CVR3FO1::Results CVR3FO2::Results CVR3FO3::Results CVR3G01::Action CVR3G02::Action CVR3G03::Action CVR3G04::Action CVR3GO1::Action CVR3GO2::Action CVR3GO3::Action CVR3GO4::Action CVR4B::Enumerator: How did you determine that the household has moved away CVR6::Name of Respondent ________________________ CVR7::Relationship of Respondent to Head (also record on household composition sheet) CVR701::Actually CVR7O1 (Relationship of respondent to Head) CVR702::Actually CVR7O2 (Relationship of respondent to Head) CVR7O1::Relationship of Respondent to Head (also record on household composition sheet) CVR7O2::Relationship of Respondent to Head (also record on household composition sheet) CVR9::Sex of Respondent (1 - male, 3 - female) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number EX5::In the past 12 months, how much has the household spent on house repairs? EX6::In the past 12 months, how much has the household spent on vehicle (car and motorcycle) repairs? [ ] baht EX7::In the past 12 months, how much has the household spent on education expenses? (Include all education costs: tuition, books, transportation, uniforms ....) EX8::In the past 12 months, how much has the household spent on clothing for all of the household members? EX9::In the past 12 months, how much has the household spent on food eaten away from home by all household members? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number EX_ID::Item # EX_ITEM::Item in Expenditure table EX1::During a typical month last year, how much does your household consume/eat/buy of the following items ___ (ask for each item below. Be sure to include home produced items - rice that the household grew themselves, for example!). EX2::(Interviewer record code for unit) for EX1 EX2O::Other Unit EX3::What is the price per unit of this item? EX4::What is the total value of expenditures/consumption of this item in a typical month of the last year? (Note: This should be equal to EX1 times EX3.) FILTER__::filter__ ex_id = 1 (filter) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village FA1::Is this household involved in agricultural activities? FA14::How many ___ does the household own? Write down 0 if the household doesn't own any or if they own fewer than 50 chicken or ducks. FA1401::How many cows does the household own? Write down 0 if the household doesn't own any. FA1402::How many buffalo does the household own? Write down 0 if the household doesn't own any. FA1403::How many pigs does the household own? Write down 0 if the household doesn't own any. FA1404::How many chickens does the household own? Write down 0 if they own fewer than 50 chickens. FA1405::How many ducks does the household own? Write down 0 if they own fewer than 50 ducks. FA15::What is the current value of all of these _____ together? FA1501::What is the current value of all of these cows together? FA1502::What is the current value of all of these buffalo together? FA1503::What is the current value of all of these pigs together? FA1504::What is the current value of all of these chickens together? FA1505::What is the current value of all of these ducks together? FA16::If you could increase the size of your farm (or the scale of your livestock and/or shrimp operations) do you think it would be more profitable? (1 - yes, 3 - no) If no skip to BA1A. FA17A::(If yes) What stops you from increasing the size of your farm? What are the main barriers or obstacles to increasing the size of your farm? FA17B1::(If yes) Open response. Use this space to add details to the answers given above. Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #1 FA17B2::(If yes) Open response. Use this space to add details to the answers given above. Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #2 FA17B3::(If yes) Open response. Use this space to add details to the answers given above. Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #3 FA17B4::(If yes) Open response. Use this space to add details to the answers given above. Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #4 FA17B5::(If yes) Open response. Use this space to add details to the answers given above. Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds.#5 FA17B6::(If yes) Open response. Use this space to add details to the answers given above. Probe about why they can't or do not want to borrow the necessary funds. #6 FA2::What type of agricultural activity or activities is this household involved in? (List all that apply) FA2O::What type of agricultural activity or activities is this household involved in? (List all that apply) Translation/Other FA8A::How many shrimp or fish ponds for raising adult shrimp or fish (i.e. only the big ponds, not the little ones for breeding!) does this household own? (If none, skip to FA14) FA8B::How many new shrimp or fish ponds for raising adult shrimp or fish has the household acquired in the past 12 months? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village FA3::Agricultural Asset FA3_ID::Row # FA4::Does anyone who usually lives in this household own ____ ? If so, how many? (record 0 if none, the number owned otherwise. If the household owns multiple items - walking tractors, for example - use the extra lines on the table to record the information f FA5::Have you acquired any ___ in the past 12 months? For example, have you bought or been given any ___? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no go to next asset. If last asset skip to FA7.) FA6::What is the total value of the ___ you acquired? FA6A::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Record all that apply. If there is only one source of money then skip to next asset. If last asset skip to FA7. [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] FA6AO1::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Record all that apply. If there is only one source of money then skip to next asset. If last asset skip to FA7. [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] FA6AO2::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Record all that apply. If there is only one source of money then skip to next asset. If last asset skip to FA7. [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] FA6B::What was the largest source of the money to buy this item? FA6C::How much money came from this source? FA7::Have you gotten rid of any __ in the past 12 months? For example, have you sold, given away or retired any __ because they were too old? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to next asset. If last asset go to FA8) FA7A::What is the total value of the ___ you got rid of? FA7B::Why did you get rid of this (or these) items? FA7B1::Why did you get rid of this (or these) items? FA3 #1 FA7B2::Why did you get rid of this (or these) items? FA3 #2 CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number FA10::Is this a shrimp or a fish pond? (1 - shrimp, 3 - fish, 5 - shrimp and fish pond, 7 - other) FA11::For how many months has this pond been operating? FA12::How much did it cost to build this pond? FA13::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Record all that apply. If there is only one source of money then skip to the next pond. If last pond skip to FA14. [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] FA13A::What was the largest source of the money to build this pond? FA13B::How much money came from this source? FA13O1::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Record all that apply. If there is only one source of money then skip to the next pond. If last pond skip to FA14. [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] FA13O2::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Record all that apply. If there is only one source of money then skip to the next pond. If last pond skip to FA14. [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] FA9::How big is this pond? (Record the answer in rai) FAID::New pond number NEWID::id CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number GQ2A::In the last 12 months have you repaid one loan using a loan from another source? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to GQ3A.) GQ2B::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? GQ2B1::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? (open response) GQ2B2::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? (open response) GQ2B3::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? (open response) GQ2B4::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? (open response) GQ3A::In the last 12 months have you repaid a loan late or made a late loan payment? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to GQ4A.) GQ3B::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? GQ3B2::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? GQ4A::In the last 12 months have you missed a savings deposit or made a savings deposit late to a pledge savings account? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to GQ5A.) GQ4B::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? GQ4B1::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? Open Response GQ4B2::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? Open response GQ5A::In the last 12 months have you had a loan that was guaranteed by cosigners where the cosigners had to pay all or part of what you owed? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to GQ6A.) GQ5B::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? GQ5B1::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? Open Response GQ6A::In the last 12 months have you had a loan that was guaranteed by collateral where you had to forfeit your collateral because you could not repay the loan? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to GQ7A.) GQ6B::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? GQ6B1::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? Open Response GQ6B2::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? Open Response GQ7A::In the last 12 months have you loaned someone money and then had to take their collateral, get someone else to pay what they owe, or just not been able to get repaid? (1 - yes, 3 - no; if no skip to GQ8A) GQ7B::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? GQ7B1::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? Open Response GQ8A::In the past 12 months have you tried to borrow from any institutions and been turned down? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to HS1) GQ8B::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? GQ8B1::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? Open Response GQ8B2::(If yes) Why, what were the circumstances? Open Response CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number HA1::Household Asset HA1_ID::Household Asset ID HA2::Does anyone who usually lives in this household own ____ ? If so, how many? (record 0 if none, the number owned otherwise. For multiple items - use the extra lines on the table to record the information for each item. "Other" items must cost at minimum 1 HA3::Have you acquired any ___ in the past 12 months? For example, have you bought or been given any ___? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to next asset. If last asset skip to HA6.) HA4::What is the total value of the ___ you acquired? HA4AO1::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Other) HA4AO2::How did you get the money to buy this item? (Other) HA4B::What was the largest source of the money to buy this item? HA5::How much money came from this source? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number HA1::Household Asset HA1_ID::Household Asset ID HA6::Have you gotten rid of any __ in the past 12 months? For example, have you sold, given away or retired any __ because they were too old? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to next asset. If last asset go to FA1) HA7::What is the total value of the ___ you got rid of? HA8::Why did you get rid of this (or these) items? CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number HC1::Total number of household members (Enumerator answer this question after you have found out about all of the household members) HC10::Why did they return? HC10A::Why did they return? #1 HC10B::Why did they return? #2 HC10C::Why did they return? #3 HC10D::Why did they return? #4 HC10E::Why did they return? #5 HC11::In the past 12 monts, have any household members left the village? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to OC1A.) HC12::Why did they leave? HC12A::Why did they leave? #1 HC12C::Why did they leave? #3 HC12D::Why did they leave? #4 HC9::In the past 12 months, have any family members who had previously migrated away returned to the village? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to HC11.) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number HC2::Name of household member (write down the name you would call them - their nickname, not their formal name) HC3::How is ___ related to the household head? HC3O::How is ___ related to the household head? (Other) HC4::Record the sex of each household member (1 - male, 3 - female) HC5::How old was ___ on their last birthday? (If 3 years of age or less, skip to the next person.) HC6::Is ___ in school now? (1 - yes, 3 - no) HC7O::What is the highest grade of school that ___ has completed? (Other) HC8::What system of grades was in place when ___ went to school? HC8A::Have lived in this household for last 6 months? HC8B::Member of big survey? HCID::number in hh comp. table CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number IO10::Enumerator Comments IO10O1::enumerator comments#1 IO10O10::enumerator comments#10 IO10O11::enumerator comments#11 IO10O13::enumerator comments#13 IO10O14::enumerator comments#14 IO10O15::enumerator comments#15 IO10O16::enumerator comments#16 IO10O17::enumerator comments#17 IO10O18::enumerator comments#18 IO10O19::enumerator comments#19 IO10O2::enumerator comments#2 IO10O20::enumerator comments#20 IO10O21::enumerator comments#21 IO10O22::enumerator comments#22 IO10O23::enumerator comments#23 IO10O24::enumerator comments#24 IO10O25::enumerator comments#25 IO10O26::enumerator comments#26 IO10O28::enumerator comments#28 IO10O29::enumerator comments#29 IO10O3::enumerator comments#3 IO10O30::enumerator comments#30 IO10O31::enumerator comments#31 IO10O32::enumerator comments#32 IO10O33::enumerator comments#33 IO10O34::enumerator comments#34 IO10O35::enumerator comments#35 IO10O36::enumerator comments#36 IO10O37::enumerator comments#37 IO10O38::enumerator comments#38 IO10O39::enumerator comments#39 IO10O4::enumerator comments#4 IO10O40::enumerator comments#40 IO10O42::enumerator comments#42 IO10O43::enumerator comments#43 IO10O44::enumerator comments#44 IO10O45::enumerator comments#45 IO10O46::enumerator comments#46 IO10O47::enumerator comments#47 IO10O48::enumerator comments#48 IO10O49::enumerator comments#49 IO10O5::enumerator comments#5 IO10O50::enumerator comments50# IO10O6::enumerator comments#6 IO10O7::enumerator comments#7 IO10O8::enumerator comments#8 IO10O9::enumerator comments#9 IO11::Stop Time IO9O1::Do you have any additional comments or observations? #1 IO9O2::Do you have any additional comments or observations? #2 IO9O3::Do you have any additional comments or observations? #3 IO9O4::Do you have any additional comments or observations? #4 IO9O5::Do you have any additional comments or observations? #5 CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number HS1::Suppose you encounter an unavoidable emergency and you needed 2,000 B right away. How would you get the 2,000 B? HS1O::Suppose you encounter an unavoidable emergency and you needed 2,000 B right away. How would you get the 2,000 B? (Other) HS2::If that source wasn't available what would you do? HS2O::If that source wasn't available what would you do? (Other) HS3O::If that source wasn't available what would you do? (Other) HS4::Suppose you encounter an unavoidable emergency and you needed 20,000 B right away. How would you get the 20,000 B? HS4O::Suppose you encounter an unavoidable emergency and you needed 20,000 B right away. How would you get the 20,000 B? (Other) HS5::If that source wasn't available what would you do? HS5O::If that source wasn't available what would you do? (Other) HS6::If that source wasn't available what would you do? HS6O::If that source wasn't available what would you do? (Other) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number IN1::(Gross Revenue) What was your household's total gross income over the past 12 months? IN10B::Total Business Expense IN10S::Total Shrimp/Fish Expense IN11::(Enumerator calculate) Net Income: IN1 - IN6 IN12::Is "IN11" an accurate estimate of your household's total net profits over the past 12 months? (1 - yes, 3 - no; if yes, skip to IN14) IN13::(If no. Enumerator: find out what needs to be revised, and make the necessary adjustments to IN1, IN6, IN4, and IN9F, S and B. Do the necessary calculations and report the revised estimate of net income here.) IN14::What is your best guess about what the households net profit will be next year? IN15::If next year is a very good year for your household, what is your best guess of what the households' net profit will be next year? IN16::If next year is a very bad year for your household, what is your best guess of what the household's net profit will be next year? IN17::Enumerator Notes IN17A::Enumerator Notes #1 IN17B::Enumerator Notes #2 IN17C::Enumerator Notes #3 IN17D::Enumerator Notes #4 IN17E::Enumerator Notes #5 IN17F::Enumerator Notes #6 IN17G::Enumerator Notes #7 IN4TOT::(If yes) How much did they receive over the past 12 months? Total from all sources IN5::Enumerator Notes IN5A::Enumerator Notes #1 IN5B::Enumerator Notes #2 IN5C::Enumerator Notes #3 IN5D::Enumerator Notes #4 IN5E::Enumerator Notes #5 IN5F::Enumerator Notes #6 IN5Translation::Enumerator Notes Translation IN6::(Business/Farm Expenses) Over the past 12 months, what were the total business or farm expenses for the household? (IN10F + IN10S + IN10B) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village IN_ID::row # IN2::Has anyone in your household received any of the following payments (ask about each payment in the table below) during the past 12 months? 1 - yes, 3 - no IN3::Broader category for revenue source IN4::(If yes) How much did they receive over the past 12 months? INITEM::Revenue source CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number IN7F::Has anyone in your household had the following farming expense during the past 12 months? IN7F_ID::Row # (Type of farming expense) IN7FITEM::Farm expense IN8F::Source of farming expense CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number IN7S::Has anyone in your household had the following shrimping expense during the past 12 months? IN7S_ID::Row # (Type of shrimping expense) IN7SITEM::Shrimp/Fish Expense IN8S::Source of fish/shrimping expense IN9S::Shrimp/Fish Expense CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1E::Household Number IN7B::Has anyone in your household had the following business expense during the past 12 months? IN7B_ID::Row # (Type of business expense) IN7BITEM::Business expense IN8B::Source of business expense IN9B::Business expense CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number IO_ID::Row # (For IO1 table) IO_ITEM::Name of institution IO1::Have you or anyone in your household become a new member or customer of ____ in the past 12 months? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to IO3.) IO2B::(Ask if IO1 = 1) Why did you become a member or customer of this organization? #2 IO3::Have you or anyone in your household resigned from this organization or ceased to be a customer/member of this organization in the past 12 months? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to next organization. If last organization skip to instructions before IO9.) IO5::(Ask if IO3 is 1) Why did you stop being a member (or a customer of this organization)? (record all that apply) IO5O::(Ask if IO3 is 1) Why did you stop being a member (or a customer of this organization)? (other) OTHO1::Other information related to IO questions OTHO2::Other information related to IO questions OTHO3::Other information related to IO questions OTHO4::Other information related to IO questions CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number KH1::How many children of the head and/or the spouse live outside the house? (If none skip to RP8) KH11::How many times did you send __ money during the past 12 months? KH12::Approximately how much money did you send ___ in total over the past 12 months? KH3::What is ___'s name? (Write down their nickname) KH4::What was ___'s age at their last birthday? KH4A::What is __'s sex? (1 - male, 3 - female) KH5::What is the highest grade of school that ___ has completed? KH5O::What is the highest grade of school that ___ has completed? other (for highest degree) KH6::What is ___'s primary occupation? KH6O::What is ___'s primary occupation?other (for occupation) KH7::What type of worker are they in this job? KH7O::What type of worker are they in this job?other (for type of worker) KH8::Where does ___ live? (Record Changwat Code) KH9::How many times did ___ send you money during the past 12 months? - number of sending by child KHID::Child ID For KH3-12 CASEID::Case ID CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number LA21::Besides land that the household cultivates does the household own any other land? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to LA34) LA22::How many other plots do you own? (ask questions LA24 - LA32 for each of these plots.) LA34::In the past 12 months, has the household gotten rid of any land (sold it, lost it because of default, given it to children, mortgaged land, other, 1 - yes, 3 - no; if no skip to EX1) LA35::How many times did you get rid of land during the past 12 months? ( assign a number to each land loss during the past 12 months and record the number in LA36 in the table below) LA4::How many rai did your household cultivate during the past 12 months? LA5::How many plots did your household cultivate during the past 12 months? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village FILTER__::filter__ la6 >= 1 (filter) LA10::How many rai are in this plot? LA11::Was this plot acquired in the last 12 months? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to LA14.) LA12::How was this plot acquired? (If LA12 is NOT = 1, then skip to LA14) LA12O::How Land was Acquired - other(specify) LA13::(if LA12 = 1) What were the sources of financing for this land purchase? (Record all that apply. [ See Coding Sheet for Codes ] LA13A::What was the largest source of financing for this land purchase? LA13B::What were the sources of financing for this land purchase? (Record all that apply. (other 1) LA13O1::What were the sources of financing for this land purchase? (other 2) LA13O2::How much money came from this source? - other LA14::What is the current value of this plot? LA6::plot num LA7::What type of land is in this plot? LA7O::What type of land is in this plot? Other LA8::What claim does the household have to this plot? LA9::What type of land certificate covers this plot? LA9O::What type of land certificate covers this plot? OTHER CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number LA23::Specify the plot number LA24::What type of land is in this plot? LA24O::What type of land is in this plot? Other LA25::What type of land certificate covers this plot? LA25O::What type of land certificate covers this plot? OTHER LA26::How many rai are in this plot? LA27::Did you acquire this plot in the last 12 months? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If 3 skip to LA30.) LA28O::How Land was Acquired - other(specify) LA29::(if LA28 = 1) What were the sources of financing for this land purchase? (Record all that apply. If only one source skip to LA30. See Coding Sheet for Codes. LA29A::What was the largest source of financing? LA29B::How much financing did you get from this source? LA29O1::(if LA28 = 1) What were the sources of financing for this land purchase? (OTHER) LA29O2::(if LA28 = 1) What were the sources of financing for this land purchase? (OTHER) LA30::What is the current value of this plot? LA32::How is the land currently being used? LA32O::How is the land currently being used? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number LA37::How many rai were lost/sold? LA38::What type of land was lost/sold? LA38O::What type of land was lost/sold? OTHER LA40::How was the land disposed of? LA40O::How was the land disposed of? (Other) LA41::(If sold or mortgaged) What did you use this money for? (List all that apply.) LA41O::(If sold or mortgaged) What did you use this money for? (Other) LA42::How much money did you receive for the land (if sold or mortgaged)? How much was this land worth at the time you lost it (if other reason for loss)? LA43A::What was the reason for the land loss? (write in answer) reason1 LA43B::What was the reason for the land loss? (write in answer) reason2 LA43C::What was the reason for the land loss? (write in answer) reason3 CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1E::Household Number LE1A::Does anyone currently owe money or goods to you or members of your household? For example, loans to friends, neighbors, relatives, or business partners that have not yet been repaid, someone has pawned/mortgaged their land to you? (1 - yes, 3 - no) LE1B::How many loans are owed to members of this household? [ ] LE2A::In the past 12 months has any one fully repaid a loan to you or members of your household? (1 - yes, 3 - no) [ ] LE2B::How many loans have been fully repaid during the past 12 months? LE5::Have you (or anyone else in your household) turned anyone down who has asked for a loan in the past 12 months? LE6A::If yes, who did you turn down and why? #1 LE6B::If yes, who did you turn down and why? #2 LE6C::If yes, who did you turn down and why? #3 LE6D::If yes, who did you turn down and why? #4 CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village FILTER__::filter__ le3a >= 1 (filter) LE3A::Loan number (record the loan number (from 1 to LE1B + LE2B) in column one, record all of the loan numbers and who the lender is first) LE3B::Who did you loan money to? LE3BO::Who did you loan money to? Other LE3C::In what month and year did you loan the money? LE3D::Has this loan been fully repaid? (1 - yes, 3 - no) LE3E::How much money or goods (if goods, record value) was loaned? LE3F::(If the loan has been fully repaid) how much money or goods (if goods, record LE3G::How long is the loan for? (record the answer in months - i.e. how many months are there from when the money was borrowed until the time that it must be paid back?) LE3H::Why was this money borrowed? (record all that apply) LE3HO1::Why was this money borrowed? (record all that apply) - other1 LE3HO2::Why was this money borrowed? (record all that apply) - other2 LE3I::What was offered as collateral for this loan? - other(specify) LE3IO::What was offered as collateral for this loan? LE3J::(If the borrower used collateral) What was the value of the collateral at the time of the loan? LE3KO::If this borrower did not repay the loan or if you had to take the borrower's collateral or make one of the cosigners had to repay the loan, what would be the consequences for the borrower? - other(specify) CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number ID::hh member number (from comp.) NONMEM::x=>non hh, blank=>hh member OC1A::What was ___'s primary occupation over the past 12 months? OC1AO::What was ___'s primary occupation over the past 12 months? Other OC1B::What type of worker is ___ in this job? OC1BO::What type of worker is ___ in this job? Other OC1C::(For wage, salary and government workers only, OC1B = 5, 7 or 13) What is ___ 's daily (or monthly, as applicable) wage in this job? OC1D::For how many years has __ been doing this type of work? (If someone says they have been doing this work since they were born, record their age minus 10 as the number of years). OC2AO::What was ___'s secondary occupation (if more than one secondary occupation, record the one that the person earned the most from over the past 12 months? (Use code 1 if the person has no secondary occupation, otherwise use the codes for OC1A) - other for OC2B::What type of worker is ___ in this job? OC2BO::What type of worker is ___ in this job? -other of worker type (2nd occ) OC3::Which of the following village positions does ___ hold? (record all that apply) OC3O::Which of the following village positions does ___ hold? (record all that apply) - other for position CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number RP10::In the past 12 months, have the head or spouse's parents shared rice with you or anyone else in your household? RP11::In the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household helped the head or the spouse's parents with free labor RP12::In the past 12 months, have the head or spouse's parents helped you or anyone in your household with free labor? RP13::In the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household helped the head or spouse's parents with money? RP14A::Do the head or the spouse have any relatives (including parents and children) who live in this village or in this tambon, but not in this house? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to RP22) RP15::In the past 12 months, has anyone in your house shared rice with any of your relatives who live in the village or the tambon? RP16::In the past 12 months have any of your relatives who live in the village or tambon shared rice with any of the people who live in this house? RP17::In the past 12 months, has anyone in your house done labor exchange with any your relatives who live in the village or tambon? RP18::In the past 12 months, has anyone in your house let any of your relatives who live in the village or tambon use farm equipment owned by people in this house for free? RP19::In the past 12 months, has anyone in your house gotten free use of farm equipment owned by the relatives who live in the village or tambon? RP20::In the past 12 months, has anyone in your house helped any of the relatives who live in the village or the tambon with money? RP21::In the past 12 months have any of the relatives who live in the village or the tambon helped anyone in this house with money? RP22::In the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household shared rice with non-relatives in the village or the tambon? RP23::In the past 12 months, have any non-relatives in the village or the tambon shared rice with you or anyone else in your household RP24::In the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household helped non-relatives in the village or the tambon with free labor? RP25::In the past 12 months, have any non-relatives in the village or the tambon helped you or anyone in your household with free labor? RP26::In the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household let non-relatives in the village or the tambon use farm equipment for free? RP27::In the past 12 months, have any non-relatives in the village or the tambon let you or anyone in your household use farm equipment for free? RP28::In the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household helped non-relatives in the village or the tambon with money? RP8::Are the head or the spouse's mother and/or father alive and living outside of this tambon? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to RP14A) RP9::In the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household shared rice with the head or spouse's parents? CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village CVR1E::Household Number RR10A::What did you sell? RR10AO::What did you sell? - other livestock/equipment RR10B::Did you sell more/the same/less than in a normal year? RR10C::Did you sell earlier/same time/later than in a normal year? RR11::Has your family been affected by the recent turmoil in Thailand's economic circumstances? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no skip to HC1). RR12A::How has your family been affected? - effect of turmoil on hh#1 RR12B::How has your family been affected? - effect of turmoil on hh#2 RR12D::How has your family been affected? - effect of turmoil on hh#3 RR12E::How has your family been affected? RR12F::How has your family been affected? - effect of turmoil on hh#4 RR12G::How has your family been affected? - effect of turmoil on hh#5 RR4::Comparing this past year (June 1997 - May 1998) to the year before that (June 1996 - May 1997), which was the worst year for household income? RR5A::Comparing this past year (June 1997 - May 1998) to the year before that (June 1996 - May 1997), which was the worst year for household income? RR5AO::Comparing this past year (June 1997 - May 1998) to the year before that (June 1996 - May 1997), which was the worst year for household income? (if other) RR5B::Comparing this past year (June 1997 - May 1998) to the year before that (June 1996 - May 1997), which was the #2 worst year for household income? RR5BO::Comparing this past year (June 1997 - May 1998) to the year before that (June 1996 - May 1997), which was the #2 worst year for household income?(if other) RR6::Was this a bad year for many of the households in the village? RR7A_01::What did your household do to get sell/eat rice in storage by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_02::What did your household do to get spend less on household items, food etc. by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_03::What did your household do to get spend less on inputs by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_04::What did your household do to get sell jewelry by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_05::What did your household do to get sell land by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_07::What did your household do to get do additional occupation by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_08::What did your household do to get use savings by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_09::What did your household do to get get help from government by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_10::What did your household do to get help from relatives in village (not money) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_11::What did your household do to get help with money from relatives in the village by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_12::What did your household do to get help from relatives out of village (not money) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_13::What did your household do to gethelp with money from relatives out of the village by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_14::What did your household do to get help from non-relatives in village (not money) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_15::What did your household do to get help with money from non-relatives in the village by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_16::What did your household do to get help from non-relatives out of village (not money) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_17::What did your household do to get help with money from non-relatives out of the village by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_18::What did your household do to get get help from the temple by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_19::What did your household do to get borrow from BAAC group members by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_20::What did your household do to get borrow from BAAC by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_21::What did your household do to get borrow from supplier of inputs in the village by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_23::What did your household do to get borrow from moneylender in village by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_24::What did your household do to get borrow from moneylender out of village by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_25::What did your household do to get borrow from village store owner by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_26::What did your household do to get borrow from village rice bank by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_27::What did your household do to get borrow from PCG by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_28::What did your household do to get borrow from Housewife_s group by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_29::What did your household do to get borrow from village fund by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_30::What did your household do to get borrow from Marketing Demonstration Center by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_31::What did your household do to get borrow from Agricultural Cooperative by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_32::What did your household do to get borrow from commercial bank by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_33::What did your household do to get migrate for less than 6 months for work (some/all of household) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_34::What did your household do to get migrate for 6 or more than months for work (some/all of household) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_35::What did your household do to get sell livestock or equipment* by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_36::What did your household do to get other1 (specify) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_37::What did your household do to get other2 (specify) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_39::What did your household do to get other4 (specify) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7A_40::What did your household do to get other5 (specify) by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7B_01::What did your household do to get sell/eat rice in storage by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_02::What did your household do to get spend less on household items, food etc. by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_03::What did your household do to get spend less on inputs by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_04::What did your household do to get sell jewelry by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_05::What did your household do to getsell land by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_06::What did your household do to get work harder than in a normal year by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_07::What did your household do to get do additional occupation by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_08::What did your household do to get use savings by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_09::What did your household do to get get help from government by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_10::What did your household do to get help from relatives in village (not money) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_11::What did your household do to get help with money from relatives in the village by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_12::What did your household do to get help from relatives out of village (not money) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_13::What did your household do to get help with money from relatives out of the village by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_15::What did your household do to get help with money from non-relatives in the village by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_16::What did your household do to get help from non-relatives out of village (not money) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_17::What did your household do to gethelp with money from non-relatives out of the village by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year RR7B_18::What did your household do to get get help from the temple by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_19::What did your household do to get borrow from BAAC group members by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_20::What did your household do to get borrow from BAAC by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_21::What did your household do to get borrow from supplier of inputs in the village by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_22::What did your household do to get borrow from supplier of input out of the village by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_23::What did your household do to get borrow from moneylender in village by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_24::What did your household do to get borrow from moneylender out of village by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_25::What did your household do to get borrow from village store owner by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_26::What did your household do to get borrow from village rice bank by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_27::What did your household do to get borrow from PCG by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_28::What did your household do to get borrow from Housewife_s group by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_29::What did your household do to get borrow from village fund by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_31::What did your household do to get borrow from Agricultural Cooperative by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_32::What did your household do to get borrow from commercial bank by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_33::What did your household do to get migrate for less than 6 months for work (some/all of household) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activit RR7B_34::What did your household do to get migrate for 6 or more than months for work (some/all of household) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the acti RR7B_35::What did your household do to get sell livestock or equipment* by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_36::What did your household do to get other1 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_37::What did your household do to get other2 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_38::What did your household do to get other3 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_39::What did your household do to get other4 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7B_40::What did your household do to get other5 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7OTH36::What did your household do to get other1 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7OTH37::What did your household do to get other2 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7OTH38::What did your household do to get other3 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7OTH39::What did your household do to get other4 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR7OTH40::What did your household do to get other5 (specify) by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year) RR8_02::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to spend less on household items, food etc.? If it is not a gift, do you need to r RR8_03::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to spend less on inputs? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specific t RR8_04::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to sell jewelry? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specific time, or RR8_05::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to sell land? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specific time, or whe RR8_06::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to work harder than in a normal year? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at RR8_07::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to do additional occupation? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specif RR8_08::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to use savings? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specific time, or w RR8_09::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to get help from government? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specif RR8_10::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to help from relatives in village (not money)? If it is not a gift, do you need t RR8_11::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to help with money from relatives in the village? If it is not a gift, do you need RR8_12::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to help from relatives out of village (not money)? If it is not a gift, do you nee RR8_13::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to help with money from relatives out of the village? If it is not a gift, do you RR8_14::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to help from non-relatives in village (not money)? If it is not a gift, do you nee RR8_15::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to help with money from non-relatives in the village? If it is not a gift, do you RR8_16::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to help from non-relatives out of village (not money)? If it is not a gift, do you RR8_18::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to get help from the temple? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specif RR8_19::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from BAAC group members? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a RR8_20::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from BAAC ? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specific time RR8_21::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from supplier of inputs in the village? If it is not a gift, do you need RR8_22::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from supplier of input out of the village? If it is not a gift, do you n RR8_23::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from moneylender in village? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay a RR8_24::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from moneylender out of village? If it is not a gift, do you need to rep RR8_25::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from village store owner? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a RR8_26::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from village rice bank? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a s RR8_27::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from PCG? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specific time, RR8_28::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from Housewife_s group? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a s RR8_29::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from village fund? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a specif RR8_30::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from Marketing Demonstration Center? If it is not a gift, do you need to RR8_31::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from Agricultural Cooperative ? If it is not a gift, do you need to repa RR8_32::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to borrow from commercial bank? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a spe RR8_34::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to migrate for 6 or more than months for work (some/all of household)? If it is no RR8_35::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to sell livestock or equipment*? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a sp RR8_36::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to other category 1 (specify)? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a spec RR8_37::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to other category 2 (specify) ? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a spe RR8_38::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to other category 3(specify) ? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a spec RR8_39::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to other category 4(specify)? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a speci RR8_40::Help with money or goods (Ask this question only if the respondent has a 1 for any of the actions 9 - 25, or a relevant "other") Was it a gift or does it have to be repaid to other category 5(specify)? If it is not a gift, do you need to repay at a speci RR9A::first most importance RR9B::second most importance RR9C::third most importance CASEID::Case ID CVR1A::Changwat CVR1B::Amphoe CVR1C::Tambon CVR1D::Village FILTER__::filter__ sa2 = 17 (filter) SA_ID::Row Numer SA_ITEM::Item SA1::Do you or members of your household have any of the following kinds of savings? (1 - yes, 3 - no. Ask about list below, also probe for other types of savings) SA2::What is the most important source of this savings? (record only one answer) SA2O::What is the most important source of this savings? -- Specify as OTHER SA3::How many times did you make deposits with this institution in the past 12 months? SA4::How much have you deposited in the past 12 months? SA5::How many times have you withdrawn money from your savings with this institution during the past 12 months? (do not include loans) SA6::How much have you withdrawn over the past 12 months? SA7::What amount do you have saved as of today? (don't ask about gold and cash) For rice record the amount of baht you would get if it was sold. BA1A::In the past 12 months, have you decided to stop running any household businesses for any reason? (1- yes, 3 - no, all household business are still operating, 5 - no, didn't have any household business. If 3 or 5 skip to BA1D) BA1B::What type of business are you no longer running? (Use the codes for BA3, below). BA1C::Why is this business no longer operating? BA1D::Does anyone in this household currently own a business or part of a business? (1 - yes, 3 - no. If no, skip to LA4. Include Shrimp or Fish Farms!) BA3::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? BA3A::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? BA3AO1::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? (other #1) BA3AO2::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? (other #2) BA3B::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? BA3BO1::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? (other #1) BA3BO2::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? (other #2) BA3C::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? BA3CO1::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? (other #1) BA3CO2::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? (other #2) BA3D::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? BA3DO1::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? (other #1) BA3DO2::What type of business does this household own all or a part of? (other #2) CVR3G::Action CVR4::House Number (part of address) CVR5::Name of Household Head II1::Other income II2::Other income II3::Other income IN7F,S,B::Has anyone in your household had the following farm/shrimp/business expense (ask about each expense in the table below, and probe for others) during the past 12 months? 1 - yes, 3 - no IN9F,S,B::(If yes) How much did they spend over the past 12 months? (If the respondent knows expenses by broader categories than the ones listed below, use column IN8F to record the category. For example, if expenses for seed and fertilizer are 3000 Baht, then rec IO2::(Ask if IO1 = 1) Why did you become a member or customer of this organization? KH2::(If the child was included in the household roster on page 5, then record that number in the first column of the table below and skip to KH8 . If the child was not included on the roster then write down XX. Please take this opportunity to determine if th LA43::What was the reason for the land loss? (write in answer) LE6::If yes, who did you turn down and why? RR12::How has your family been affected? RR5::Comparing this past year (June 1997 - May 1998) to the year before that (June 1996 - May 1997), why that was the worst year for household income? (Record codes for first two that the respondent mentions) RR7::What did your household do to get by last year? RR7A::What did your household do to get by last year? - Spontaneous Responses (record a 1 in the column next to the responses that the respondent mentions without prompting) RR7B::What did your household do to get by last year? - Non-Spontaneous Responses (read all of the responses that the respondent has not mentioned yet. Record a 1 if the respondent did the activity last year)