TA: Morgan Sonderegger
email: morgan (at) cs.uchicago.edu
office hours: Tu/Th 3:00-4:00 in Ryerson 257
Lecture: MWF 1:30-2:20 in Ryerson 251
Textbook: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russell and Norvig
This course will cover some of the basic principles in artificial intelligence including search, constraint satisfaction, probabilistic reasoning and learning. We will consider applications in pattern recognition, language and vision.
Homework 2, due Wednesday January 28.
You can discuss this homework with other students but you should do the programming on your own. The assigment is available here
Homework 3, due Wednesday February 11.
You can discuss this homework with other students but you should do the programming on your own. The assigment is available here
Datafiles for problem 3: data.zip
Homework 4, due Wednesday February 25.
You can discuss this
homework with other students but you should write up the solutions on
your own. The assigment is available here
Homework 5, due Wednesday March 4.
You can discuss this
homework with other students but you should write up the solutions on
your own. The assigment is available here