CSPP 51023 Home Page
CSPP 51023 Object
Oriented Architecture, Design, and Methodolgy
Winter 2009
Course Description
This course concentrates on three major themes in Object-Oriented Software development: Software Architecture, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, and Method. The bulk of the course will involve key concepts in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, coming to an in-depth understanding of terms such as inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction, class, etc. The process method we will study is the Rational Process, and the Design notation will be the Unified Modeling Language. Each of these topics will be covered in depth. See the course syllabus for a more detailed view of the lecture topics.
This course is not, however, a course in Object-Oriented Programming. Rather, this course is abstracted a level up, and focuses on principles, concepts, processes, methods, and best practice models that transcend and yet can be implemented with (most) any object-oriented programming language. That said, the code examples will be provided in various OO languages (Smalltalk, Eiffel, Java, C++, CLOS (Lisp)) in order to further illuminate the concepts being discussed. However it is the concepts that are central, not their particular implementations. A primary focus of the course will be to come to terms with many common patterns in software design, which provide proven and repeatable templates on which to base implementations.
(Teaching staff listed on the syllabus
(Office hours listed on the syllabus )
Details of the course can be found in the course syllabus .
Lecture Notes:
All powerpoints are located here. (Login information can be obtained from ~mark/pub/51023/login.info on the cluster)
Sample Models:
Pattern Presentations:
The Pattern Signup Schedule is here .
Student pattern presentations can be found here .
The Exam Study Guide is available.
For questions, conficts, problems, remonstrations, contact the lead
TA. Instructions for the presentation can be found
here .
Reading List:
To join the Listserv for this course, go to: http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/mailman/listinfo/cspp51023
I can be reached at several email addresses, among them: