15100-1 MWF 9:30-10:20 Ryerson 251 15100-2 MWF 11:30-12:20 Ryerson 251
Labs are held in the Mac Lab on the A-level of Regenstein Library (JRL A01C) according to the following schedule:
CC W 3:00-4:20 DD W 4:30-5:50 FF R 3:00-4:20 GG R 4:30-5:50
All students are required to attend a lab.
Name Office John Reppy Ryerson 256 Adam Shaw Ryerson 257c Sravana Reddy Ryerson 258b Sneha Popley Ryerson 178 Ankan Saha Ryerson 257 Office hours
Help with homework, etc. is available at the following times and places, or by appointment.
Day Time Location Person Monday 2:30-3:30 Mac Lab Sneha Popley Tuesday 5:00-6:30 Mac Lab Ankan Saha Wednesday 2:30-3:30 Mac Lab Sneha Popley Thursday 6:00-7:30 Mac Lab Ankan Saha Friday 2:30-3:30 Mac Lab Sneha Popley Mailing List
Please sign up for the course mailing list at
Grades will be determined roughly as follows:
Homework 15% Labs 20% Midterm 20% Projects 45% You can compute your ``score'' by summing the weighted grades for your assignments, where the weights for the homework and labs is 1, the weight for the midterm is 2.5, and the weight for the projects is 3. The maximum possible score is 1000.
Graded assignments are available from
https://fafner.cs.uchicago.edu:40000/You will need to use your handin login and password to access this page. Clicking on the links will download the given file to your browser's download's directory.
There will be a midterm given in class on November 3rd.Homework
Homework assignments will be made available from this page on Monday mornings and will be due the following Tueday at 10pm. There will be five homework assignments and each will be graded on a scale of 30 points.
- Homework 1; due Tuesday October 5 at 10pm
- Homework 2; due Tuesday October 12 at 10pm
- Homework 3; due Tuesday October 19 at 10pm
- Homework 4; due Tuesday October 26 at 10pm
- Homework 5; due Wednesday December 1 at 10pm
Lab assignments
Lab assignments will be made available from this page on Wednesday mornings and will be due the following Sunday at 10pm. There will be five lab assignments and each will be graded on a scale of 40 points.
- Lab 1; due Sunday October 3 at 10pm
- Lab 2; due Sunday October 10 at 10pm
- Lab 3; due Sunday October 17 at 10pm
- Lab 4; due Sunday October 24 at 10pm
- Lab 5; due Tuesday, November 16 at 10pm
There will be three programming projects in the second half of the quarter. Each project will be graded on a scale of 50 points.
- Project 1; due Tuesday November 9 at 10pm
- Project 2; due Wednesday November 24 at 10pm
- Project 3; due Wednesday December 8 at 10pm
A version of the text book How to Design Programs can be found online.
We use DrRacket (formally DrScheme) Version 5.0.1 as the programming environment. This software is installed on both the Mac and Linux machines in the Mac Lab. It is also available free of charge from the Racket web site.
The DrRacket system includes extensive documentation, which is also available on the web. Here are some items of particular interest to this course:
- DrRacket manual
- Description of the Beginning Student language
- Description of the Beginning Student with List Abbreviations language
- Description of the Intermediate Student language
- Description of the Intermediate Student with Lambda language
- Description of the Advanced Student language
- image.ss teachpak documentation
- universe.ss teachpak documentation
To use the Mac Lab Linux machines, you will need a CS department account. You can request an account using a web form.
Homework and lab assigments will be submitted using the DrRacket handin mechanism. You can set up your handin account as follows:
- In DrRacket, choose the File|Install .plt menu item and paste or type in the following URL:
http://www.classes.cs.uchicago.edu/current/15100-1/files/uc151-2010-client.plt- Once the install finishes, restart DrRacket. You should now see a handin button on the tool bar, which looks roughly like
- Use the File|Manage CMSC 15100 Handin Account... menu item to create a submission account.
Once your account is established, you can use the handin button to submit your work.
If you have trouble installing from the above URL in DrRacket, you can try downloading the file to your machine using the following link:
http://www.classes.cs.uchicago.edu/current/15100-1/files/uc151-2010-client.pltand then installing the file.Academic Honesty
[The following is due to Stuart Kurtz]
The University of Chicago is a scholarly academic community. You need to both understand and internalize the ethics of our community. A good place to start is with the Cadet's Honor Code of the US Military Academy: "A Cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do." It is important to understand that the notion of property that matters most to academics is ideas, and that to pass someone else's ideas off as your own is to lie, cheat, and steal.
The University has a formal policy on Academic Honesty, which is somewhat more verbose than West Point's. Even so, you should read and understand it.
We believe that student interactions are an important and useful means to mastery of the material. We recommend that you discuss the material in this class with other students, and that includes the homework assignments. So what is the boundary between acceptable collaboration and academic misconduct? First, while it is acceptable to discuss homework, it is not acceptable to turn in someone else's work as your own. When the time comes to write down your answer, you should write it down yourself from your own memory. Moreover, you should cite any material discussions, or written sources, e.g.,
Note: I discussed this exercise with Jane Smith.
The University's policy, for its relative length, says less than it should regarding the culpability of those who know of misconduct by others, but do not report it. An all too common case has been where one student has decided to "help" another student by giving them a copy of their assignment, only to have that other student copy it and turn it in. In such cases, we view both students as culpable and pursue disciplinary sanctions against both.
For the student collaborations, it can be a slippery slope that leads from sanctioned collaboration to outright misconduct. But for all the slipperyness, there is a clear line: present only your ideas as yours and attribute all others.
If you have any questions about what is or is not proper academic conduct, please ask your instructors.
Last revised: November 29, 2010.