CMSC 221/321 Homework set 6 Due: Tuesday, Nov 23, 2010 6.1 [25]: Write an SML implementation of a CBV, big-step, environment-based evaluator for TFun + products, sums, and recursive types (call this TFun_PSR). This implementation can be based on the code in tfun.tgz, which implements TFun+products. 6.2 [25]: Write a type-checker for TFun_PSR. This will extend the type checker for TFun that you wrote for Hw 4.4 (see tfuntype.sml in the package tfun.tgz for a type checker covering products). [11/21/2010: This is a revised version dropping polymorphism from the language. 11/22/2010: Revised again to mention tfuntype.sml in 5.2.]