Everything in Unix is a file. Unix users want you to see the files they created. Unix makes this
easier than you can imagine. Snoop around:
cd ~mark
ls | more
Kind of feel like your snooping, huh. To get back to your home directory just type
cd. Check out your environs:
here is the beef.
The command find is your map to the Unix file system.
The most common use of this command is
path -name pattern
A path is the directions to a file. All paths start at the root, which is denoted by
'/'. Your home directory lies on a path also,
'~': that is why I pointed you to
~mark above. The command
find starts at path and searches all files
in the system starting at the path, and which contain
pattern in the name. There are many ways of modifying
find: you can limit your search to all files of a given
user, or only to directories. Have a look at the manpages with
man to see how. I you are not on which path the file
your looking forlies, you can always just choose the root. I cannot recommend this, unless you are