Lecture:Ryerson 276TR @ 3:00 - 4:20 pm Time schedule entry URL and Mailing List:cs230@mailman.[csdomain]
Instructor and Office Hours:Haryadi Gunawiemail: haryadi @ [cs domain] (Open door and by appt.) Ryerson 259
TA and Office Hours:Riza Sumintoemail: riza @ [cs domain] MTW @ 4:30-5:30pm RF @ 12-1pm (and by appt.) Ryerson 275.B Links:- Class overview- Schedule - Mailing list - Required books - Project info - Academic calendar - Add/drop deadlines |
Click here for the full schedule.
Past lecture slides are available here (future slides are still locked).
Important links:
Current project:
All projects:
The exams will be closed book, and will cover material from class and projects. The final exam is not cumulative.