Unix Systems Programming: Introductory Lab

Due:           Monday, January 14, 2013, by 5:00 pm.

Purpose and rationale

The purpose of this lab is to quickly get students up to speed with basic usage of the Unix development environment, as a preparation for all future lab activities.


FAQ(submission instructions and other useful stuff)

You should refer to relevant sections of the man pages for assistance for this lab, in addition to materials in your assigned primary texts for this week.

For printing out your documents, you might find the following commands useful during your year(s) in this department:
  1. lpr -  off line print. Note that this command is called when you print from acroread  (for .pdf files) or gv (for .ps files)
  2. lpq - shows the printer queue
  3. lprm - removes jobs from the printer queue
  4. enscript - converts text files to PostScript (useful when you want to print out text files)

If you are not in our course email list, please subscribe to the cspp51081 email list here: http://mailman.cs.uchicago.edu/mailman/listinfo/cspp51081

All work should be done on a machine in the department's Linux cluster. You can refer to ssh for more information on how to log into a remote machine.

Marks Distribution

Exercise 1   2 points
Exercise 2 10 points
Exercise 3   4 points
TOTAL 16 points

Introductory LAB

More information:

GNU text utilities (renamed "GNU coreutils")
Hobbes' Internet Timeline (just for fun)


Carefully follow the 4 steps below.

  1. Create a directory:
  2. There will be seven (or three) files in this directory: You must have your name on the first line of each file.
  3. When you are finished with your directory you will create a compressed archive file using tar (this utility stores your directory as a single file, then compresses its size.)
           tar -czvf   username.introlab.tgz   username.introlab

  4. You will email your file to our grader as an attachment. She will send an aknowledgement that your assignment has been received.

  5. To  Maria Power (mpower@cs.uchicago.edu)
    Attachment  username.introlab.tgz
    Subject  CSPP51081-introlab

Maria Power