CSPP 53017: Data Warehousing

Winter 2013: Tuesday, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm, Gleacher 604

This document will be updated throughout the quarter. Please, check out the latest version at http://www.classes.cs.uchicago.edu/classes/archive/2013/winter/53017-1/index.html.
Announcements | Course Description | Personnel | Textbooks | Schedule | Homework | Exams


Course Description

Data warehouses enable efficient and effective decision making in today's organizations by providing real-time business intelligence that analyzes vast amount of current and historical data from a variety of sources. This data must be captured, integrated, cleansed, organized, and put into context in order for it to translate into valuable information. This course examines how data warehouses are designed, how data is transformed and how managers and analysts can successfully gather, structure, analyze, understand and act on the information stored in data warehouses. The components and design issues related to data warehouses and business intelligence techniques for extracting meaningful information from data warehouses are emphasized. Various software tools will be used to demonstrate design, implementation, and utilization of data warehouses. Issues related to ethical and socially responsible use of data warehousing and business intelligence will also be discussed.


Name Role Office Office hours Phone Email (strongly preferred)
Svetlozar Nestorov Instructor Searle 207 after class and by appointment (773) 702-0969 evtimov@cs.uchicago.edu


CSPP 53001 or equivalent.







There will be 3 fifteen minute in-class quizzes on Jan 29, Feb 19, Mar 12.