Unix System Programming
LabFAQ Page
This page contains information which may be useful for each lab assignment. It is organized by
Lab Assignment. Each assignment will contain a FAQ, which is a running dialogue of questions and
problems which arise during the course of the assignment.
Laboratory Introduction
Introlab Assignment
Lab2 Assignment
Lab2 Assignment
- programming tips
Some pointers on how to approach a programming assignment. - file I/O
A compilation of the main Unix file I/O operations. - make files
A helpful guide to using the make utility. Start reading it early, and
practice writing make files - compiling C
This is a short tutorial on compiling C code: what the steps are, some of the useful options. - gdb
A tutorial for using the gdb debugger. - Deconstructing Make
Deconstructing Makefile used to build static libraries.
Lab3 Assignment
Lab3 Assignment