Welcome to CS151! The course syllabus contains detailed information on all aspects of the course.

The instructors for CS151 in Autumn 2015 are Adam Shaw, for Sections 1 and 2, and Matthew Wachs, for Section 3.

Course content will appear both at this site and on piazza. As such you will need to register for a piazza account. You should have received an invitation, with registration instructions, to the piazza course site at your uchicago.edu email address. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have not received an invitation.

Please read our very own Notes on Typed Racket here.


Section 1, taught by Adam Shaw, meets MWF, 9:30–10:20 in Stuart 102.

Section 2, taught by Adam Shaw, meets MWF, 11:30–12:20 in Cummings 101.

Section 3, taught by Matthew Wachs, meets MWF, 1:30–2:20 in Ryerson 251.


The lab exercises are linked to from the index to coursework.

Attendance at lab sessions is mandatory. They are held in the CSIL (Computer Science Instructional Laboratory) on the first floor of the John Crerar Library. Labs are held at six different times; you must register for one of them, and attend that one each week.

The lab meeting times are as follows:

Homework and Projects

The homework exercises and project descriptions are linked to from the index to coursework (coming soon).

Office Hours

Please also keep the Harper tutors in mind. CS tutors are on staff every Sunday through Wednesday night from 7pm–11pm. (CS tutors are not on duty on Thursdays this quarter.) Please note that as of the time of this writing (Oct 8 2015) the tutors have been temporarily relocated to Cobb Hall pending repairs to Stuart.


How to Design Programs by Felleisen, Findler, Flatt and Krishnamurthi (full text online) [website]

Version Control with Subversion by Pilato, Collins-Sussman and Fitzpatrick (full text online) [website]

Piazza (Q&A, announcements, course materials) [website]

Academic Honesty

College-wide honesty guidelines are here.

The following rules of thumb summarize honesty as it pertains to CS151:

Dishonesty will not be tolerated. There will be serious consequences to dishonest behavior.