Computer Science with Applications 2

Genetic Algorithm: UChicago Meals and the Knapsack Problem

Due: Thursday, March 5th at 5pm

You may work in pairs for this assignment.

In this assignment, you will implement a genetic algorithm in order to solve an application of the Knapsack Problem: the Diet Problem. The purpose of this assignment is to practice programming in C and get exposure to solving problems that have no clean solution.


Genetic algorithms fall under the umbrella of evolutionary algorithms: a group of algorithms that use biologically inspired methods to solve problems. Specifically, genetic algorithms simulate natural selection in order to provide an imperfect solution to a complex optimization problem, generally one that does not have a fast polynomial-time solution. Through an iterative process, a genetic algorithm kills off low quality solutions within a generation (a set of possible solutions) and allows the most fit (highest quality) solutions to survive to the next generation and combine to reproduce new solutions. When working properly, the average fitness of each generation improves over many iterations, and the process continues until an adequately fit solution has been generated.

Genetic algorithms are frequently deployed in a variety of practical contexts. Applications include:

Genetic algorithms are most useful for problems with the following characteristics:

The Knapsack Problem


For this programming assignment, you will write an implementation of a genetic algorithm that solves an application of the Knapsack Problem. The Knapsack Problem is a discrete constrained optimization problem that asks the following question: given a set of items, each of which are assigned a weight and value, what combination of items maximizes the value of items placed in the knapsack while remaining below a given total weight? In other words, given a value (\(v_i\)) and weight (\(w_i\)) for each item and total weight (W), pick each \(x_i\) to solve:

\begin{equation*} \mbox{Maximize } {\sum_{i=1}^N} {v_i x_i} \; \mbox{ subject } \mbox{ to } {\sum_{i=1}^N} {w_i x_i\: \leqq \; W}, \; {x_i} \in 0, 1 \end{equation*}

Note that your solution (x) is a vector of binary integers. For each item, a corresponding 1 in the solution vector implies that the item is placed in the knapsack, while a corresponding 0 implies that the item is not placed in the knapsack. You may not put multiple copies of the same item in the knapsack.

There are two aspects of this problem:

For this programming assignment, you will solve the optimization problem. Specifically, you will iteratively perform the genetic algorithm 100 times and pick the individual solution with the highest value that meets the weight restriction.


Here is some terminology specific to the genetic algorithm:

Digression on Gene Pools

This assignment will involve substantial interaction with gene pools. We will briefly describe the best way to visualize a gene pool to reduce confusion.

A gene pool is a group of gene sequences. Since a gene sequence is a one-dimensional array of binary integers, there are two equivalent ways to conceptualize a gene pool: 1) as a two-dimensional array or 2) as an array of pointers to gene sequences.

The second way of visualizing a gene pool makes more sense for this assignment. Each individual gene sequence represents a solution to the knapsack problem, so a gene pool is just a convenient way to keep track of several solutions. Within this context, the idea of a "column" does not apply to the gene pool -- we care about each individual solution independent of its relationship to the others. Given this interpretation, it will be helpful for you to visualize the gene pool structure in the following manner:



We will first explain how to implement a genetic algorithm to solve the Knapsack Problem, and we will then explain how to tweak the implementation to solve the Diet Problem. The Knapsack implementation of the genetic algorithm involves three major steps:

1. A Fitness Function

You will receive an initial randomly-generated population of individuals represented by a gene pool. The first step of the algorithm is to write a function that determines which individual solutions will survive and inserts them into the next generation. This task involves:

  1. Computing the total weight and total value for each individual solution. For each individual solution, this computation involves taking the dot product of the corresponding gene sequence with the weight and value coefficient arrays. The dot product of two vectors A = [\(A_1, A_2, ...\: A_n\)] and B = [\(B_1, B_2, ...\: B_n\)] is defined as:
\begin{equation*} A \centerdot B = {\sum_{i=1}^N A_i B_i = A_1 B_1 + A_2 B_2 + ... + A_N B_N} \end{equation*}
  1. Using insertion-sort to place the gene sequences into the new generation in order of highest to lowest value. The insertion-sort should adhere to the following criteria:

    1. If a gene sequence does not satisfy the weight requirement, it should not survive, meaning that it should not be inserted into the next generation.
    2. After having executed the insertion-sort, there should be a maximum of n gene sequences in the new generation, where n is the maximum number of survivors per generation (given). Keep track of the number of survivors after each insertion. Among the gene sequences that satisfy the weight requirement, your insertion-sort should place the top n by value into the next generation.

    Note that there are two main ways to think about insertion-sort in the context of this assignment. In both cases, your insertion-sort function will be given a gene pool and will have to fill in an empty gene pool (an array of NULL pointers) with gene sequences properly ordered by value. In both cases you will need to eventually free the old gene pool without also freeing the gene sequences contained in the new gene pool. Consider two methods of implementing the insertion-sort:

  1. Insertion-sort with duplicate gene - This method of implementation takes a single gene sequence, finds its position in the new gene pool, then duplicates the gene sequence (allocates a new array using malloc and copies over the values from the gene sequence) and points the corresponding element of the new gene pool to this duplicate array. With this implementation, you can safely free the original gene sequence once you are done duplicating it without modifying the new gene pool. Below is an example (note that the values are arbitrary and for instructive purposes only):
  1. Insertion-sort passing pointers - This method of implementation takes a single gene sequence, finds its position in the new gene pool, and points the corresponding element of the new gene pool to the gene sequence. With this implementation, you must set each element of the old gene pool equal to a NULL pointer before freeing the overall structure. That way, when you free the old gene pool, the gene sequences that have been migrated to the new gene pool will not be improperly freed.

You may use either of these insertion-sort implementations in your code. However, if you are interested in taking CMSC 154, we strongly advise that you implement your insertion-sort by passing pointers.

2. Reproduction

Once the surviving individual solutions have been inserted into the new generation, you will need to populate the empty portion of the population with new individual solutions until all empty spaces for solutions have been filled. You will accomplish this task by randomly selecting two survivors and breeding them to produce children. No parent (survivor) should ever breed with itself. This restriction implies that the two parents should never be drawn from the same position in the gene pool. However, it is possible that two parents drawn from different positions in the gene pool may be identical (ie. the survivors occupying elements 0 and 1 of the gene pool may be identical); in this case, these two parents may breed. If your function randomly draws two parents from the same position in the gene pool (ie. both parents are drawn from element 3 of the gene pool), you must randomly redraw both parents. Breeding involves:

  1. Crossover: given two parents, crossover produces two children by switching the middle elements of the two parents. If m is the number of elements in the gene sequence, then we define middle as all of the elements between (not inclusive) low_cross and high_cross, defined as follows:
int low_cross = m / 3 - 1;
int high_cross = 2 * (m / 3);

For example:

  1. Mutation: given one child, randomly mutate each element of the gene sequence with probability \(\frac{1}{m}\), where m is the number of elements in the gene sequence. For a specific element of a gene sequence, mutation involves switching a 1 to 0 or a 0 to 1. For example:

After the crossover, choose one child (with equal probability) for subsequent processing; discard the other. Perform mutation on the chosen child, and then insert it into the new generation.

Note that breeding requires a minimum of two survivors in the new generation after the insertion-sort. If the first new generation does not have at least two survivors (in other words, fewer than two survivors passed the weight requirement), free all data structures currently in use, print an error message, and terminate the program.

3. Iteration

Repeat steps 1) and 2) for 100 generations and return a duplicate of the maximum value gene that meets the weight requirement. Debugging hint: print the average value of each generation (the average value of all gene sequences that meet the weight requirement). If working properly, your average value should increase substantially over the first few generations and fluctuate slightly (to reflect converging solutions altered by mutation) for later generations.

Example of One Iteration

Below is a high-level illustration of steps 1) and 2). In practice, the breeding step would be performed repeatedly until the new generation is fully populated with new individual solutions.


Your Assignment: The Diet Problem with UChicago Dining Data

Your code will use a genetic algorithm to solve an application of the Knapsack Problem: the Diet Problem. The Diet Problem is characterized as follows:

  1. You want to assemble a set of food items into a meal and may only consume one portion of each item.
  2. You want to maximize your meal's total nutritional value with a preference towards balanced meals.
  3. You are constrained by a maximum total number of calories consumed for the meal.

Note that the diet problem can be easily expressed as an application of the knapsack problem. Consider:

\begin{equation*} \mbox{Maximize } {\sum_{i=1}^N} {v_i x_i} \; \mbox{ subject } \mbox{ to } {\sum_{i=1}^N} {w_i x_i\: \leqq \; W}, \; {x_i} \in 0, 1 \end{equation*}

In this case, \(v_i\) (previously the value of item i) represents the nutritional value of each item, \(w_i\) (previously the weight of item i) represents the number of calories in each item, and W (previously the weight limit) represents the maximum number of calories allowed for the meal. Solutions (gene sequences) to this maximization problem are also encoded as an array of binary integers: for each item, a corresponding 1 in the solution array means that the item is included in the meal, while a corresponding 0 means the item is excluded from the meal. Given this expression of the diet problem, you can implement the genetic algorithm to solve the diet problem in (almost, see below) the same way you would implement the algorithm to solve the knapsack problem.

We have scraped nutritional data from the UChicago CampusDish website. The raw data appears in the following form:


We have converted all of the nutritional information (excluding calories) into percent daily value and saved the data in a file named dining_data.csv. We have provided you with a function mk_wt_val_coef_from_file(char *filename) that takes a filename (pass in dining_data.csv) and returns a data structure that contains all the necessary nutritional data for the assignment. The nutritional data is stored in two forms:

Recall that we want our algorithm to prioritize balanced meals. To accomplish this goal, we define a fitness function that takes a meal (encoded as a gene sequence), takes the sum of the percent daily values for each nutrient, and then adds the square roots of each nutrient sum to arrive at the total nutritional value for a given meal. Note that taking the square root of each nutrient sum results in diminishing marginal value of increasing intake of a single nutrient by one percentage-point (ie. you gain more value from increasing your calcium intake from 1-2% daily value than from 100-101% daily value). This method discourages excessive intake of a single nutrient, since the second derivative of your value function with respect to any single nutrient is negative. Given \(N\) as the total number of nutrients, \(M\) as the number of possible food items to choose from, and a set of vectors \(n_1, n_2, ... , n_N\) where \(n_i\) = [\(n_{i1}, n_{i2}, ... , n_{iM}\)] represents each food item's contribution to percent daily value (\(n_{ij}\)) for a given nutrient (\(n_i\)), the function that computes the total value of a meal can be expressed as follows:

\begin{equation*} \mbox{ Total Value } = {\sum_{j=1}^N} {\sqrt{s_j}} \; \mbox{ where } {s_{j} } = {\sum_{i=1}^M} {n_{ij} x_i} \: , \; {x_i} \in 0, 1 \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \mbox{Where n =} \; \begin{pmatrix} n_{11} & . & . & . & n_{1N} \\ . & . & & & . \\ . & & . & & . \\ . & & & . & . \\ n_{M1} & . & . & . & n_{MN} \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}

We will provide you with the function that performs this calculation. The function compute_meal_value(wt_val_coef_t wt_val_coef, int *single_gene) takes a wt_val_coef structure and a meal encoded as a single gene sequence and returns the total value of the meal. Note that you will still have to write a function to calculate the total number of calories for a given meal.

Getting Started

Your task is to implement a genetic algorithm that runs 100 generations and then returns a duplicate of the maximum value gene. In other words, you will need to simulate a fitness function, reproduction, and iteration for 100 generations. Our test code will run your function with the following inputs: int n = 20, int m = 37, int num_gens = 100, double max_cal = 1000.0 int, max_surv = 10.

We have seeded your git repository with a directory named pa4, which contains:

The file algorithm.c contains skeleton code for the assignment. The algorithm.c and algorithm.h files are the only files you will modify.

Run git pull upstream master to pick up this directory.

Please add your name to the top of algorithm.c before you start this assignment.

A Random Number Generator

Your genetic algorithm will rely on the generation of random numbers. To assist with debugging and simplify the process of drawing random numbers, we have written wrapper functions for the standard rand function in C.

We have provided two functions that you will use to generate random values. Note that you will need to pass a random_t structure into each of these functions.

Additionally, we have provided several functions for seeding the random functions. The test code will pass a seeded random_t structure into the solve function for you, so you do not have to seed a random_t structure yourself. However, in case you would like to seed your own random_t structure for testing purposes, we have provided a description of the random seed functions.

Note that you should only seed the random functions once. Calling the seeding functions multiple times will cause the random functions to work improperly.

Data Structures and Functions

We have provided two data structures to assist your implementation.

Additionally, we have provided several functions for working with data structures:

We have also provided you with three auxiliary functions for use in the genetic algorithm implementation:

Your Implementation

Your implementation will consist of five core functions (not including auxiliary) functions. We have provided skeleton code for these functions, described below:

Test Code

We have provided you with test code to test each core function of your implementation:

images/test_mutation.png images/test_crossover.png images/test_insert.png images/test_reproduce.png images/test_solve.png


To run the test code, first run make. To run all of the test cases, simply run ./test_algorithm. To run a specific test case (there are a total of 6, index 0-5), run ./test_algorithm followed by the test number. For example, ./test_algorithm 3 would run the fourth test.

The test code is not comprehensive but will simplify the process of tracing errors.

Design Meetings

Design meetings are not required, but strongly encouraged. A design meeting form will be available soon. We will post a sign-up sheet for design meeting times on Piazza.


We will be using chisubmit for managing submission, including late chips. See Piazza for instructions regarding how to submit assignments and request late chips.

Acknowledgments: This assignment was designed by Trevor Coyle with help from Matthew Wachs and Anne Rogers.