============= Working alone ============= Getting started --------------- We have seeded your repository with a directory for this assignment. To pick it up, change to your ``cs121-aut-16-username`` directory (where the string ``username`` should be replaced with your username) and then run the command: ``git pull upstream master``. You should also run ``git pull`` to make sure your local copy of your repository is in sync with the server. Submission ---------- To submit your assignment, make sure that you have: - put your name at the top of your file, - `registered for the assignment using chisubmit <../../chisubmit.html#registering-individually>`__, - added, committed, and pushed ``simulate.py`` to the git server, and - run the `chisubmit submission command <../../chisubmit.html#submitting-individually>`__. Remember to push your code to the server early and often! Also, remember that you can submit as many times as you like *before* the deadline.