The min-heap abstraction below is defined for any element type that is ordered. For simplicity, however, we will work specifically with heaps of Int
s, described by the type Heap
; we will discuss more general, polymorphic Heap
types below. The following type signatures define our Heap
empty : Heap
isEmpty : Heap -> Bool
findMin : Heap -> Maybe Int
insert : Int -> Heap -> Heap
deleteMin : Heap -> Maybe Heap
merge : Heap -> Heap -> Heap
Max-heaps are defined similarly.
One way to represent a min-heap is as a complete binary tree that satisfies the min-heap property, which requires that every node be no bigger than its children. Complete binary trees can be implemented using arrays.
Recall the scheme (from Homework 2) for ordering nodes in a complete binary tree using breadth-first search:
Level 1 0
Level 2 1 2
Level 3 3 4 5 6
. . . . . . . .
The nodes of a complete binary tree can be stored in breadth-first order in an array a
i: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
a[i]: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ...
And then navigating the parent and child edges for a node stored in a[i]
is easy:
, anda[(2*i)+2]
.In imperative languages, retrieving an arbitrary element in an array takes O(1) time. In functional languages, purely functional arrays are often implemented in terms of balanced search trees, which typically provide O(log n) access to arbitrary elements.
Although we have not yet talked about how to implement balanced search trees, we will take as given an implementation of balanced search trees. In Elm, the Array
library is implemented with a data structure called Relaxed Radix Trees, which provides near constant-time performance in practice for getting and setting arbitrary indices.
We will make use of the Array
library (which we will qualify with an A
) to implement the heap abstraction. If we choose to define and export
type alias Heap = A.Array Int
then clients of our module will be able to see that we have implemented Heap
s using Array
s and will have access to the Array
values that we will use to represent Heap
s. If we wish to hide the representation from clients, we can instead define a new type
type Heap = WrapHeap (A.Array Int)
and export only those functions that we want clients to use:
module Heaps
(Heap, empty, isEmpty, findMin, insert, deleteMin, merge) where
Because none of these API functions "reveal" the underlying representation of the Heap
type to the client (there are no functions of type Heap -> A.Array Int
), clients will not be able to manipulate Heap
s directly with Array
Creating abstraction boundaries like this facilitate the software engineering process, by preventing clients from (intentionally or accidentally) violating invariants that the correctness of the module implementation depends on, as well as facilitating changes to the implementation by limiting and making explicit the boundaries between modules.
To implement the Heap
abstraction, we will use the following Array
A.empty : Array a
A.length : Array a -> Int
A.push : a -> Array a -> Array a
A.get : Int -> Array a -> Maybe a
A.set : Int -> a -> Array a -> Array a
A.slice : Int -> Int -> Array a -> Array a
The A.push
function creates a new array that is the same as in the input array except that it contains an additional element at the end. For convenience, we will define an analogous function called pop
that creates a new array with the last element removed.
pop : A.Array a -> A.Array a
pop a = A.slice 0 (A.length a - 1) a
We will start with the simple operators.
empty : Heap
empty = WrapHeap A.empty
isEmpty : Heap -> Bool
isEmpty (WrapHeap a) = A.length a == 0
Notice that the definition of isEmpty
uses pattern matching to, at once, deconstruct the argument value and bind the underlying array value to the variable a
. This definition is equivalent to all of the following:
isEmpty h = case h of WrapHeap a -> A.length a == 0
isEmpty = \h -> case h of WrapHeap a -> A.length a == 0
isEmpty = \h -> let (WrapHeap a) = h in A.length a == 0
isEmpty = \(WrapHeap a) -> A.length a == 0
Because values of type Heap
can only be constructed by the WrapHeap
data constructor, we can use patterns in bindings (rather than case
expressions) and be sure that we have covered all patterns.
The findMin
implementation is also straightforward.
findMin : Heap -> Maybe Int
findMin (WrapHeap a) = A.get 0 a
Let's now look at the first non-trivial operator, inserting an Int
into a Heap
. The idea is to add the element to the next position in the complete binary tree (conveniently represented as the last element in the array) and then "bubble" or "percolate" the element up the tree until it is no longer bigger than its parent.
insert : Int -> Heap -> Heap
insert x (WrapHeap a) =
n = A.length a
a' = A.push x a
WrapHeap (bubbleUp n a')
As we manipulate the underlying Array
representations, we will make sure to always access elements within bounds. So we define an "unsafe" version of get
fromJust : Maybe a -> a
fromJust mx =
case mx of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> Debug.crash "fromJust"
justGet : Int -> A.Array a -> a
justGet i a = fromJust (A.get i a)
We also define a helper function to swap two elements in an Array
swap : Int -> Int -> A.Array a -> A.Array a
swap i j a =
a |> A.set i (justGet j a) |> A.set j (justGet i a)
The bubbleUp
function is defined to swap node i
with its parent node (i-1)//2
if the parent is larger and, if so, recursively traverses up the tree. We use the type alias InternalHeap
to refer to A.Array Int
within our implementation.
bubbleUp : Int -> InternalHeap -> InternalHeap
bubbleUp i a =
if i == 0 then a
j = (i-1) // 2
ch = justGet i a
par = justGet j a
if par <= ch
then a
else a |> swap i j |> bubbleUp j
Let's now consider the worst-case time cost of the insertion algorithm. The insert
function computes the length of the Array
representation (which runs in O(1) time, by looking at the documentation and implementation), push
es an element on the end of it (which runs in worst-case O(log n) time) and calls bubbleUp
The bubbleUp
function makes use of justGet
and swap
. Because A.get
runs in O(log n) time, so does the wrapper function justGet
. The swap
function makes several calls to A.set
and justGet
, each of which takes O(log n) time. Thus, swap
takes O(log n) time. The bubbleUp
function visits at most O(log n) elements because the index i
is divided in half before each recursive call. Therefore, there are O(log n) calls to bubbleUp
, each of which performs O(log n) work. So the running time of bubbleUp
, and hence insert
, is O(log2n). In an imperative language, where array operations take worst-case O(1) time, the insertion algorithm runs in worst-case O(log n) time.
To delete the minimum element, which is stored at index 0
, we first overwrite the root with the value currently stored in the last position (conveniently stored in the last element of the Array
). We pop the last element because its value is now stored in the root and then "bubble" or "percolate" this value down as long as necessary. When recursively bubbling down, we choose the child tree whose root is smaller in order to maintain the heap order property.
deleteMin : Heap -> Maybe Heap
deleteMin (WrapHeap a) =
let n = A.length a in
if n == 0 then Nothing
let x = justGet (n-1) a in
a |> pop
|> A.set 0 x
|> bubbleDown 0
|> WrapHeap
|> Just
For a given index i
, the index of the left child is j = 2*i + 1
and of the right child as k = 2*i + 2
. If the value at index i
is smaller than both children, the output array is unchanged. Otherwise, the value at index i
is swapped with the smaller root among the two subtrees and bubbleDown
recurses on that subtree.
bubbleDown : Int -> InternalHeap -> InternalHeap
bubbleDown i a =
let n = A.length a in
if i >= n then a
let (j, k) = (2*i + 1, 2*i + 2) in
let i' = if j < n && justGet j a < justGet i a then j else i in
let i'' = if k < n && justGet k a < justGet i' a then k else i' in
if i == i''
then a
else a |> swap i i'' |> bubbleDown i''
The analysis of bubbleDown
and deleteMin
is similar to the insertion algorithm, resulting in a O(log2n) worst-case time cost.
We will not go through the algorithm for merging heaps that are as arrays in this course. But you may be curious to go read about it if you have not seen it before.
In our Elm implementation, we will pretend that we implement the merge
function faithfully, but instead we will always trigger a run-time error.
merge _ _ = Debug.crash "merge not implemented"
The Heaps.elm
file contains the implementation above.
We defined the Heap
type to store Int
s, but the same abstraction exists for any kind of comparable values. And, of course, we don't want to duplicate the implementation for every different type of heap that we may want to work with.
Recall that Elm provides the special polymorphic type variable comparable
to describe such types. So we can generalize the heap abstraction as follows.
type Heap a = WrapHeap (A.Array a)
empty : Heap comparable
isEmpty : Heap comparable -> Bool
findMin : Heap comparable -> Maybe comparable
insert : comparable -> Heap comparable -> Heap comparable
deleteMin : Heap comparable -> Maybe (Heap comparable)
merge : Heap comparable -> Heap comparable -> Heap comparable
The PolyHeaps.elm
file contains the modifications required to implement this more general interface. It is worth noting that compared to Heaps.elm
, type signatures are changed but no value definitions are changed.
We may want to define interfaces in terms of types that come with operators besides those specified in the comparable
"type class." But Elm does not provide a way for the programmer to define an interface that describes a set of types.
In Haskell, user-defined type classes can be used to specify the heap abstraction as follows.
class Ord a where
(<) :: a -> a -> Bool
(>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
(>) :: a -> a -> Bool
(<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
max :: a -> a -> a
min :: a -> a -> a
class Ord a => Heap a where
empty : Heap a
isEmpty : Heap a -> Bool
findMin : Heap a -> Maybe a
insert : a -> Heap a -> Heap a
deleteMin : Heap a -> Maybe (Heap a)
merge : Heap a -> Heap a -> Heap a
The second class definition says that a type a
"is a" Heap
if (1) a
"is a" Ord
and (2) the six functions specified can be defined for that type. Particular implementations are then defined to "implement" the Heap
type MyHeap a = WrapHeap (Array a)
instance Heap (MyHeap a) where
insert = ...
For simplicity, the definition above does not mention the Haskell Eq
type class.
In Standard ML and OCaml, signatures are used to describe modules, which are structures that contain values and types.
signature ORDERED =
type T
val eq : T -> T -> bool
val lt : T -> T -> bool
val leq : T -> T -> bool
signature HEAP =
structure Elem : ORDERED
type H
val empty : H
val isEmpty : H -> bool
val insert : Elem.T -> H -> H
val merge : H -> H -> H
val findMin : H -> Elem.t option
val deleteMin : H -> H option
An implementation satisfies the Heap
signature by defining a functor that takes a module as an argument and returns another module. Note that these ML functors are the not same thing as Haskell Functor
functor MyHeap (Element : ORDERED) : HEAP =
structure Elem = Element
datatype H = ...
fun insert = ...