We will be using Elm v0.16. If there are minor language revisions released throughout the quarter, we will decide whether or not to upgrade. You should get Elm up and running as soon as possible to make sure that you have a working development environment.
Let's jump in with some examples at the REPL (read-eval-print loop).
% elm-repl
---- elm repl 0.16.0 -----------------------------------------------------------
:help for help, :exit to exit, more at <https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-repl>
> True
True : Bool
> False
False : Bool
> 'a'
'a' : Char
> "abc"
"abc" : String
> 3.0
3 : Float
Numeric literals without a decimal point are described by the type variable number
, which describes both Int
s and Float
> 3
3 : number
One way to read the last line above is "for every type number
such that number
= Int
or number
= Float
, 3 has type number
." In other words, "3 has type Int
and Float
" and depending on how the expression is used, the Elm type checker will choose to instantiate the type variable number
with one of these types.
> truncate
<function: truncate> : Float -> Int
> truncate 3
3 : Int
> truncate 3.0
3 : Int
If you are familiar with Haskell, think of number
as a type class that is "baked in" to the language. Elm does not have general support for type classes, but it does have a few special purpose type classes like number
Tuples package two or more expressions into a single expression. The type of a tuple records the number of components and each of their types.
> (True, False)
(True,False) : ( Bool, Bool )
> (1, 2, 3.0)
(1,2,3) : ( number, number', Float )
Notice the prime in the type of the second number. That's because the expressions 1
and 2
both have type number
(i.e. Int
or Float
) but they may different kinds of numbers. So, primes are used to create different variables so that each numeric type can be specified independently. If you're familiar with Haskell, the type of this triple would be something like (Num a, Num b) => (a, b, Float)
. This can be read as saying "for any types a
and b
that are number
s, the tuple has type (a, b, Float)
Lone expressions prefer to remain alone:
> ("Leave me alone!")
"Leave me alone!" : String
> (((((("Leave me alone!"))))))
"Leave me alone!" : String
Like in most functional languages, all functions take exactly one argument and return exactly one value.
> exclaim = \s -> s ++ "!"
<function> : String -> String
> exclaim s = s ++ "!"
<function> : String -> String
> exclaim "Hi"
"Hi!" : String
Multiple arguments in uncurried style:
> plus (x,y) = x + y
<function> : ( number, number ) -> number
> plus = \(x,y) -> x + y
<function> : ( number, number ) -> number
> plus xy = fst xy + snd xy
<function> : ( number, number ) -> number
Notice the lack of primes in the types above. That's because the addition operator takes two numeric arguments of the same type:
> (+)
<function> : number -> number -> number
Infix operators can be used as functions, and functions can be used as infix operators:
> (+) 3 4
7 : number
> (+) ((+) 3 4) 5
12 : number
> 3 `plus` 4
7 : number
> 3 `plus` 4 `plus` 5
12 : number
Multiple arguments in curried style:
> plus x y = x + y
<function> : number -> number -> number
> plus x = \y -> x + y
<function> : number -> number -> number
> plus = \x -> \y -> x + y
<function> : number -> number -> number
> plus = \x y -> x + y
<function> : number -> number -> number
Partial application of curried functions:
> plus7 = plus 7
<function> : number -> number
> plus7 1
8 : number
> plus7 11
18 : number
What if we wanted to restrict our plus
function to Int
s rather than arbitrary number
s? We need some way to "cast" a number
to an Int
. Although the Basics
library does not provide such a toInt
function, we can define something to help ourselves:
> toInt n = n // 1
<function> : Int -> Int
This doesn't quite have the type number -> Int
we sought... but on second thought, we don't really need a casting function of that type. Why not?
> plusInt x y = (toInt x) + y
<function> : Int -> Int -> Int
> plusInt x y = toInt (x + y)
<function> : Int -> Int -> Int
Elm, like most ML dialects, automatically infers most types. Nevertheless, it is often good practice to manually declare type annotations for "top-level" definitions (we will see "local" definitions shortly).
In an Elm source file (e.g. IntroML.elm
), a top-level definition can be preceded by a type annotation. The type checker will check whether the implementation actually satisfies the type you've declared.
plus : number -> number -> number
plus x y = x + y
plusInt : Int -> Int -> Int
plusInt x y = x + y
Notice that by using an explicit annotation for plusInt
, we avoid the need to use the roundabout toInt
function from before. In fact, we can refactor the definition as follows:
plusInt : Int -> Int -> Int
plusInt = plus
This version really emphasizes the fact that our implementation of plusInt
is more general than the API (i.e. type) exposed to clients of the function. Designing software is full of decisions like this one.
There's nothing stopping us from writing programs where the expressions we write do not satisfy the type signatures we write:
plus : number -> number -> Bool
plus x y = x + y
When we do, Elm reports helpful error messages explaining the inconsistencies:
-- TYPE MISMATCH ----------------------------------------------- ././IntroML.elm
The type annotation for `plus` does not match its definition.
5│ plus : number -> number -> Bool
The type annotation is saying:
number -> number -> Bool
But I am inferring that the definition has this type:
number -> number -> number
Now that we've started putting definitions in source files, how do we import them from the REPL and from other files? Notice that the file IntroML.elm
defines a module of the same name, which can be imported in several ways.
The following import
will require all imported definitions to be qualified for use.
> import IntroML
> IntroML.plusInt 2 3
5 : Int
> plusInt 2 3
... Cannot find variable `plusInt` ...
Another option is to specify which definitions to import for use without qualification. All other definitions from IntroML
will still be accessible with qualification.
> import IntroML exposing (plusInt)
> plusInt 2 3
5 : Int
> IntroML.plus 2.0 3.0
5 : Float
> IntroML.exclaim "Cool"
"Cool!" : String
You can also import all definitions for use without qualification.
> import IntroML (..)
> (plusInt 2 3, exclaim "Cool")
(5,"Cool!") : ( Int, String )
Finally, you can also define an abbreviation for the imported module.
> import IntroML as M
> M.plusInt 2 3
5 : Int
Whew, that was a lot of choices! This kind of flexibility will come in handy, because it can be hard to remember where functions are defined when importing many modules. Furthermore, many modules will define functions with popular names, such as map
and foldr
, so qualified access will be needed.
You may have noticed that we have been using some library functions without any import
s. That's because Basics
, as well as a few other very common libraries such as Maybe
, are opened by default.
If you change the following definition in IntroML.elm
to append additional exclamation points...
exclaim s = s ++ "!!!"
... you will immediately have access to the new version without having to first import
the module again.
> M.exclaim "Whoa"
"Whoa!!!" : String
This kind of hot-swapping can be useful once we get to writing and running more interesting programs.
Conditional expressions must return the same type of value on both branches.
> if 1 == 1 then "yes" else "no"
"yes" : String
> if False then 1.0 else 1
1 : Float
Type variables are identifiers that start with a lower case letter and are often a single character.
> choose b x y = if b then x else y
<function> : Bool -> a -> a -> a
As with the number
type discussed above, this function type should be read as having an implicit "forall" at the beginning that "defines" the scope of the type variable: "for all types a
, choose
has type Bool -> a -> a -> a
When calling a polymorphic function such as choose
, Elm (like other ML dialects) will automatically instantiate the type variables with type arguments appropriately based on the value arguments.
> choose True True False -- a instantiated to Bool
> choose True "a" "b" -- a instantiated to String
> choose True 1.0 2.0 -- a instantiated to Float
> choose True 1 2 -- a instantiated to number
These function calls can be thought of as taking type arguments (one for each type universally quantified type variable for the function) that are automatically inferred by the type checker. If the syntax of Elm were to allow explicit type instantiations, the above expressions might look something like:
choose [Bool] True False
choose [String] "a" "b"
choose [Float] 1.0 2.0
choose [number] 1 2
Imagine that polymorphic types in Elm required an explicit forall quantifier. The result of instantiating a polymorphic type with a type argument T
is obtained by substituting bound occurrences of the type variable with T
choose : forall a. Bool -> a -> a -> a
choose [Bool] : Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
choose [String] : Bool -> String -> String -> String
choose [Float] : Bool -> Float -> Float -> Float
choose [number] : Bool -> number -> number -> number
Just as the particular choices of program variables does not matter, neither do the particular choices of type variables. So polymorphic types are equivalent up to renaming. For example, choose
can be annotated with polymorphic types that choose a different variable name than a
choose : Bool -> b -> b -> b
choose : Bool -> c -> c -> c
choose : Bool -> thing -> thing -> thing
All of these types are equivalent. After typechecking your function, however, Elm may choose to overrule your choice of type variables.
> import IntroML
> IntroML.choose
<function> : Bool -> a -> a -> a
What happens if choose
is annotated as follows?
choose : Bool -> number -> number -> number
The choose
function typechecks with this annotation, but this type is more restrictive than the earlier ones. Remember that number
, as discussed earlier, can only be instantiated with the types Int
and Float
. This special handling of the particular variable number
— as opposed to other identifiers — is the way that Elm shoehorns a limited form of type classes into the language. It's a pretty interesting design choice!
While we are on the subject, there is another special purpose type variable called comparable
that is used to describe types that are, well, comparable using an ordering relation. See Basics
for more info.
> (<)
<function> : comparable -> comparable -> Bool
> 1 < 2
True : Bool
> 1 < 2.0
True : Bool
> "a" < "ab"
True : Bool
> (2, 1) < (1, 2)
False : Bool
> (1 // 1) < 2.0
... type mismatch ...
> True < False
... Only ints, floats, chars, strings, lists, and tuples are
comparable. ...
Without further ado, lists.
> 1::2::3::4::[]
[1,2,3,4] : List number
> [1,2,3,4]
[1,2,3,4] : List number
For those keeping score, the list syntax above is part OCaml ((::)
for cons rather than (:)
) and part Haskell (,
to separate elements rather than ;
There's syntactic shorthand for numeric ranges:
> [1..6]
[1[1,2,3,4,5,6] : List number
> [1.0..6.0]
[1,2,3,4,5,6] : List Float
s are not lists of Char
s like they are in Haskell:
> ['a','b','c']
['a','b','c'] : List Char
> "abc"
"abc" : String
> ['a','b','c'] == "abc"
... type mismatch ...
Pattern matching to destruct lists; the \
character is used to enter a multi-line expression in the REPL:
> len xs = case xs of \
| x::xs -> 1 + len xs \
| [] -> 0
<function> : List a -> number
> len [1..3]
3 : number
> len []
0 : number
Non-exhaustive patterns result in a (compile-time) type error:
> hd xs = case xs of x::_ -> x
... This `case` does not have branches for all possibilities. ...
If you really must write a partial function:
> unsafe_hd xs = case xs of \
| x::_ -> x \
| [] -> Debug.crash "unsafe_hd: empty list"
<function> : List a -> a
> unsafe_hd [1]
1 : number
> unsafe_hd []
... Error: Ran into a `Debug.crash` ...
Using Debug.crash
is extremely helpful during development, so that you can typecheck, run, and test your programs before you have finished handling all cases. (Check out the type of Debug.crash
Elm also statically rejects programs with a redundant pattern, which will never match at run-time because previous patterns subsume it:
> len xs = case xs of \
| _::xs -> 1 + len xs \
| [] -> 0 \
| [] -> 9999
The classics:
> List.filter
<function> : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
> List.filter (\x -> x `rem` 2 == 0) [1..10]
[2,4,6,8,10] : List Int
> List.map
<function> : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
> List.map (\x -> x ^ 2) [1..10]
[1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100] : List number
> List.foldr
<function> : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
> List.foldl
<function> : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
A quick refresher on how folding from the right and left differ:
List.foldr f init [e1, e2, e3]
=== f e1 (f e2 (f e3 init))
=== init |> f e3 |> f e2 |> f e1
List.foldl f init [e1, e2, e3]
=== f e3 (f e2 (f e1 init))
=== init |> f e1 |> f e2 |> f e3
> List.foldr (\x acc -> x :: acc) [] [1..10]
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] : List number
> List.foldl (\x acc -> x :: acc) [] [1..10]
[10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] : List number
For any (well-typed) function expression e
, the function (\x -> e x)
is said to be eta-equivalent to e
. The verbose version is said to be eta-expanded whereas the latter is eta-contracted.
The following emphasizes that the lambda used in the last call to List.foldl
above is eta-expanded:
> (::)
<function> : a -> List a -> List a
> List.foldl (\x acc -> (::) x acc) [] [1..10]
[10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] : List number
The eta-reduced version is nicer:
> List.foldl (::) [] [1..10]
[10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] : List number
Lists are a built-in inductive, algebraic datatype. You can define your own datatypes (or union types or "disjoint sums" or "sums-of-products"). Each type constructor is defined with one or more data constructors, each of which is defined to "hold" zero or more values.
> type Diet = Herb | Carn | Omni | Other String
> Carn
Carn : Repl.Diet
> Omni
Omni : Repl.Diet
> Other "Lactose Intolerant"
Other ("Lactose Intolerant") : Repl.Diet
Non-nullary data constructors are themselves functions:
> Other
<function> : String -> Repl.Diet
Use datatypes to simulate "heterogeneous" lists of values:
> diets = [Herb, Herb, Omni, Other "Vegan", Carn]
[Herb,Herb,Omni,Other "Vegan",Carn] : List Repl.Diet
Pattern matching is the (only) way to "use," or "destruct," constructed values. Patterns that describe values of a datatype t
are either:
), ort
applied to an appropriate number of patterns for that data constructor.For example:
> maybeHuman d = case d of \
| Carn -> False \
| _ -> True
<function> : Repl.Diet -> Bool
> List.map maybeHuman diets
[True,True,True,True,False] : List Bool
As before, be careful with non-exhaustive and redundant patterns.
The fact that Elm reports compile-time errors for redundant patterns helps prevent the following bug that pops up pretty frequently when learning functional programming:
> carn = Carn
Carn : Repl.Diet
> isCarn d = case d of \
| carn -> True \
| _ -> False
A variable pattern matches anything, even if that variable is in scope and binds a particular value. Note that the wildcard pattern also matches anything; it is useful when the value it binds does not need to be referred to in the subsequent branch expression.
Patterns can be nested. For example, the function ...
firstTwo xs =
case xs of
x::ys -> case ys of
y::_ -> (x, y)
[] -> Debug.crash "firstTwo"
[] -> Debug.crash "firstTwo"
... can be written more clearly as follows:
firstTwo xs =
case xs of
x::y::_ -> (x, y)
_ -> Debug.crash "firstTwo"
Test your understanding: what's the type of firstTwo
Defining an alias or synonym for an existing type:
type alias IntPair = (Int, Int)
Our unsafe_hd
function above fails with a run-time error when its argument is non-empty. Another way to deal with error cases is to track them explicitly, by introducing data values that are used explicitly to represent the error, or the lack of a meaningful answer.
For example, the type
> type MaybeInt = YesInt Int | NoInt
describes two kinds of values: ones labeled YesInt
that do come bundled with an Int
, and ones labeled NoInt
that do not come bundled with any other data. In other words, the latter can be used to encode when there is no meaningful Int
to return:
> hd xs = case xs of \
| x::xs' -> YesInt x \
| [] -> NoInt
<function> : List Int -> Repl.MaybeInt
> hd [1..4]
YesInt 1 : Repl.MaybeInt
> hd []
NoInt : Repl.MaybeInt
Ah, much better than a run-time error!
This MaybeInt
type is defined to work only with Int
s, but the same pattern — the presence or absence of a meaningful result — will emerge with all different types of values.
Polymorphic datatypes to the rescue:
> type MaybeData a = YesData a | NoData
As when calling polymorphic functions, type variables for type constructors like MaybeData
get instantiated to particular type arguments in order to match the kinds of values it is being used with.
Polymorphic datatypes and polymorphic functions make a formidable duo:
> hd xs = case xs of \
| x::_ -> YesData x \
| [] -> NoData
<function> : List a -> Repl.MaybeData a
> hd ['a','b','c']
YesData 'a' : Repl.MaybeData Char
> hd ["a","b","c"]
YesData 'a' : Repl.MaybeData String
> hd [1..4]
YesData 1 : Repl.MaybeData number
> hd []
NoData : Repl.MaybeData a
"For every type a
, NoData
has type a
." Cool, NoData
is a polymorphic constant and its type may be instantiated, or specialized, depending on how it is used.
The MaybeData
pattern is so common that there's a library called Maybe
that provides the following type, which is like ours but with different names:
type Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
There's also a related library and type called Result
that generalizes the Maybe
pattern. Check them out, and also see IntroML.elm
for a couple simple examples.
There are a bunch of really useful infix operators in Basics, so take a look around. Make sure to visit (<|)
, (|>)
, (<<)
, and (>>)
, which can be used to write elegant chains of function applications.
So far we have worked only with top-level definitions. Elm's let
-expressions allow the definition of variables that are "local" to the enclosing scope. As with other language features, whitespace matters so make sure equations are aligned.
plus3 a =
let b = a + 1 in
let c = b + 1 in
let d = c + 1 in
No need to write so many let
s and in
plus3 a =
let b = a + 1
c = b + 1
d = c + 1
Too many local variables can sometimes obscure meaning (just as too few variables can). In this case, the "pipelined" definition
plus3 a = a |> plus 1 |> plus 1 |> plus 1
and, better yet, the definition by function composition
plus3 = plus 1 << plus 1 << plus 1
are, arguably, more readable.
There's a "primitive typeclass" (in addition to number
and comparable
, discussed above) called appendable
, which describes types including lists and strings:
> (++)
<function> : appendable -> appendable -> appendable
> "hello" ++ " world"
"hello world" : String
> [1..10] ++ [11..20]
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20] : List number
, Maybe
, List