This is the first in a series of three short assignments in which you will build code to implement a secure facility for client-server communication across the Internet.
We will give you some of the code you need, and we'll ask you to
implement certain functions missing from the code we provide via
chisubmit. We are giving you two fully-implemented code files, on
which you should build all of the crypto functionality you need to do
this assignment. The file
gives you access to a pseudorandom function, as described in lecture.
The file
gives you access to truly random bits which have been extracted from
the unpredictable state of the local system, but it can only be used
once. It might be useful for testing purposes, but you should not need
it to implement your crypto functionality. These are the only two
crypto primitives you are allowed to use—any other crypto you
use must be built (by you) on top of these two files. You may
not use any other crypto libraries, not even the ones that
are part of the standard Java libraries.
In this assignment you will implement three facilities by modifying
four Java code files. You will modify
to implement a pseudo-random generator class. You will modify
to implement a stream cipher. You will modify
to implement a facility for authenticated encryption and decryption.
In each case, we have provided you with a code file in which some
parts of "stubbed out". You will replace the stubbed out pieces with
code that actually works and provides the required security guarantee.
We have put a comment saying "IMPLEMENT THIS" everywhere that you have
to supply code. You may add extra functions to the classes as
you see fit (although you shouldn't need to), but please do not
change the inputs or outputs of any of the existing functions. In
addition, if you do add an extra function to a class, do not call it
from another class. Doing so will disrupt our grading scripts
(We test each class individually).
The file
specifies that sizes of the keys and
nonces that you should use in this assignment as well as the size of the PRF's
output. You may not modify this file, and your crypto functionality must adhere
to these sizes.
We will be testing your code with Java 8, and so please use that
version when compiling and running your implementation. You can check
your Java version by typing javac -version
and verifying that the version begins with
. (If you only have the java
command but not the javac
command, you have the Java runtime, but you need to install the Java
Development Kit.) You can download the Java Development Kit
PRGen. Your PRGen
class should extend Java's built-in java.util.Random
class and implement the following API:
public class PRGen extends Random { public PRGen(byte[] seed) //creates a new PRGen protected int next(int bits) //generates the next pseudorandom number }
The next
method of your PRGen
will override the corresponding method in the parent Random
You do not need to override any other of methods of Random
(Hint: Nevertheless, your PRGen
will inherit all of the other methods of Random
, including nextBytes
You can use them because they are implemented using next
which you will have overridden.)
You may not use Java's SecureRandom
As stated in the Random
spec "The general contract of next
is that it returns an int
and if the argument
is between 1 and 32 (inclusive), then that many low-order bits of the
returned value will be (approximately) independently chosen bit
values, each of which is (approximately) equally likely to be 0 or
1." For example, if you call next(4)
, it will return an int
between 0
and 15. If you call next(32)
, it will return an int
-2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (the highest order bit determines
the sign).
Your PRGen
must obey the following three properties:
function in java.util.Random
is not backtracking-resistant.
StreamCipher. Your StreamCipher
class should implement the
following API:
public class StreamCipher { public StreamCipher(byte[] key) public void setNonce(byte[] nonce, int offset) public void setNonce(byte[] nonce) public byte cryptByte(byte in) //encrypts the next byte public void cryptBytes(byte[] inBuf, int inOffset, //encrypts next numBytes byte[] outBuf, int outOffset, //in the inBuf, writing int numBytes) //results to the outBuf }This class encrypts or decrypts a stream of bytes, using a stream cipher. (Recall that for a stream cipher, encryption and decryption are the same operation.)
AuthEncryptor. Your AuthEncryptor
class should implement the
following API:
public class AuthEncryptor { public AuthEncryptor(byte[] key) public byte[] encrypt(byte[] in, byte[] nonce, boolean nonceInMessage) }
This class is used to perform authenticated encryption on values. Authenticated encryption protects the confidentiality of a value, so that the only way to recover the initial value is to decrypt the value using the same key and nonce that was used to encrypt it. At the same time, authenticated encryption protects the integrity of a value, so that a party decrypting the value using the same key and nonce (that were used to encrypt it) can verify that nobody has tampered with the value since it was encrypted.
Code that uses AuthEncryptor
will be required to pass in a
different nonce for every call to encrypt
. The AuthEncryptor class is
not required to detect violations of this rule; it is the
responsibility of the code that uses AuthEncryptor
to avoid re-using
a nonce with the same AuthEncryptor
If nonceInMessage
is true
, then the nonce should be included
(in plaintext form) in the output of encrypt. If nonceInMessage
, then the nonce should still be used in calculating the output,
but the nonce itself should not be copied into the output.
(Presumably the party who will decrypt the message already knows what
the nonce will be.)
AuthDecryptor. Your AuthDecryptor
class should implement the
following API:
public class AuthDecryptor { public AuthDecryptor(byte[] key) public byte[] decrypt(byte[] in, byte[] nonce, boolean nonceInMessage) }
The value passed as
will normally have been created by calling encrypt
with the same
nonce in an AuthEncryptor
that was initialized with the same key as
this AuthDecryptor
If the integrity of the input value cannot be verified (that is, if
the input value could not have been created by calling encrypt
the same nonce in an AuthEncryptor
that was initialized with the same
key as this AuthDecryptor
), then this method returns null
. Otherwise
it returns a newly allocated byte-array containing the plaintext
value that was originally passed to
If nonceInMessage
is true, then the nonce will be included in the
array, and the value passed in as
should be disregarded. If nonceInMessage
is false, then the nonce is
not included in the
array, so the value passed in a
should be used.
Tips for Getting Started. This list may grow in response to Piazza questions.
for examples.
Advice on testing crypto code. As always, it's important to test your code. But you should be aware that crypto code presents different testing issues than other code does. Testing can sanity-check your code, but it can't verify that your code has the desired security properties. For example, if your code is encrypting data for confidentiality, you can test whether the ciphertext is the right size, and you can test whether the ciphertext looks kind of random-ish, and you can test whether different plaintexts yield different ciphertexts. But you can't test whether there is a way for an adversary to recover the plaintext. So by all means test your code — if you don't, it's almost certain not to work—but remember that passing the tests is not enough.
A few words about grading. Some of your grade will be based on whether your code passes certain automated tests. But, as stated previously, the security of your implementation ultimately depends on its design and cannot be verified by testing alone. An implementation that compiles, runs, and appears to work may in fact be insecure. As a result, manual inspection of your design will determine a large part of your grade.
Adapted from an assignment copyright 1998–2014, Edward W. Felten. Used with permission.