Working in a pair for the second time

Getting started

If you are working with the partner you worked with previously on PA #2, only one of you needs to register as a pair for the assignment. You will not need to get a new repository, and can continue using your existing shared repository.

Here are steps necessary for students with CNET IDs A and B to register as a pair for pa3 and use their previously created pair repository

  1. Follow the chisubmit instructions for registering as a pair for pa3.
  2. Run git pull to make sure your local copy of your pair repository is in sync with the server and git pull upstream master to pick up the distribution for PA #3.

Please let us know if you have any problems.


To submit your assignment, make sure that you have:

  • put your names at the top of your files,
  • added, committed, and pushed to the git server, and
  • run the chisubmit submission command for pa3.

Remember to push your code to the server early and often! Also, remember that you can submit as many times as you like before the deadline.