CNETID1 CNETID2 Basic Game Design
The purpose of this exercise is to define major elements of your educational game.
You must take into account different "player types."
You do not need to have a "perfect" game. The purpose of this
document is to describe the game well and describe how your knowledge of the
elements of game design in this course were used to influence the design of your game.
Most answers, especially those in the middle, should be several paragraphs, not just
a few sentences.
This document needs to illustrate that you have put substantial thought into how
to make an engaging game for your educational content. Specifically, any
quiz-style games, memory-style games, or other simplistic games will not be
acceptable for a passing grade.
You will begin with your revised learning content document that you already turned
in and got returned. Make any revisions that you or I have decided should be made.
Then add this content to the end of it.
Assume that you still have a full design team. Do not use the 10-week time
constraint and 2-person implementation team resource constraint affect your
design. Design without such constraints.
Name your pdf file GameDesign.pdf. Place in your design directory of your repository.
First summarize the game type, placing it into a genre. What is a well-known
game that most closely resembles your game? And what are the major differences
between yours and that game?
Describe your game, taking care to describe the different elements such as premise,
rules, etc.
Describe how your choices of elements above will result in the keys to successful
game design, such as increasing difficulty, engaging players' attention, as well as
resulting in learning.
Describe how different "player types" will find something that engages them.
Describe how your game makes the user progress through the different elements
in the learning trajectory you produced. How do you teach different elements
and how do you gradually increase the difficulty and/or complexity as users
progress through the levels?