1. On the page numbered 23, they describe a gap in the research about achievements and rewards within games. Describe the potential pros and cons they raise. 2. Describe the extrinsic motivation factors that are designed into games. 3. Describe the intrinsic motivation factors that are designed into games. 4. Using the hierarchies of needs theory, pose a hypothesis about why students in low socioeconomic households may, on average, do worse on academic achievement in schools than students in high socioeconomic households. 5. How has the hierarchies of needs been adapted to playing games? 6. For Need Achievement theory, what types of tasks do people with high motivation to succeed prefer? What types of tasks do people avoiding failure prefer? Explain how these different decisions would affect academic achievement over the long term. 7. How can game designers make failure less likely, allowing people to let go of their fear of failure and instead go for success? 8. Skinner's principle of partial reinforcement involves the rate at which learners should get feedback of positive reinforcement. What are the pros and cons of frequent, continuous reinforcement? What, instead, yields more consistent learning?