W4b Inequity ReadingQs In the NY times article, several well-documented challenges that females face in male-dominated fields were reported. Answer these questions based on the article. 1. A Yale study showed two distinct professional disadvantages that females face when applying for jobs. Studies on ethnicity have shown the exact same bias against applicants whose names are popular in underrepresented minorities' cultures. What were they? 2. What type of negative comments did females hear from teachers when taking high school AP physics courses? If something like this has happened to you, describe how it affected you in terms of your persistence in tackling challenge problems. If it hasn't happened to you, describe how you think it would affect someone who generally does well in a class but then encounters a challenging problem, and how that reaction would be different from someone who is given only positive feedback. 3. When working in groups / teams, females described specific challenges in communicating with peers. These challenges are not just anecdotes - studies have shown them to be true. What challenges to females / URMs face on teams, and how would that affect them emotionally (likelihood to continue), academically (ability to learn the material) and professionally (likelihood to be promoted in the future)? Questions about culturally-relevant teaching article and the counterpoint: 4. What are the three components to culturally-relevant pedagogy? 5. There are different ways of defining culture someone's current culture, someone's cultural background, and popular culture. You can answer these questions either for the game you are designing or for a game we have used in class. a) Describe one way that you could allow students to bring in their current culture into your game. b) Describe one way that you could bring in / celebrate a particular minority/s historical background? c) Describe one way that you could bring in popular culture? Contributing factors to academic inequity 6. How strongly is low socioeconomic status linked to poorer performance in school? (follow the link and get basic statistics on it) 7. What percentage of US students were below the poverty line in 2013? 8. What did the article hypothesize as potential reasons that growing up in a low-income household can impact academics and brain growth? 9. Does time in school and/or age reduce the gap in brain development? 10. Present the core argument, using data, that the percentage of URM students in GATE programs is not due to poorer school performance but bias. 11. In this case, what is the mechanism in the system that allows the bias, and who is using bias? 12. Why did Broward County stop using its more fair mechanism for placing students in GATE programs? 13. What are some suggestions for reducing implicit bias when evaluating people? 14. How does stereotype threat create an extra barrier for students already suffering from implicit bias in evaluation and hiring decisions?