UDL questions: Universal Design for Learning is based on Universal Design, a way of going about product design. I am having you read about making the web accessible in order to introduce you to aspects of universal design that will be applicable to online games. When utilizing inclusive design, explain whose experience is enhanced. Explain the use of diverse personas for inclusive design. Is it expected that you can design products for all people with disabilities? Explain the target for inclusive design. What are common barriers created by disability in terms of accessing content on the internet? Look at the chart comparing traditional classroom instruction to UDL instruction: https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/treatments-approaches/educational-strategies/the-difference-between-universal-design-for-learning-udl-and-traditional-education Is it true that in a traditional classroom, students with disabilities are not considered? Explain how UDL instruction helps typical students (beyond traditional classroom). Explain how UDL instruction helps students with disabilities (beyond traditional classroom). What are the 6 tips to improve web sites for sight impairments? Look at the strategies for using UDL in teaching K-8 CS. Choose one and explain, using vocabulary from this course, how that is a strategy expected to be beneficial to typical students.